Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 15:02

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ICE

Information Center for the Environment (UC-Davis)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US Department of Homeland Security; formerly parts of Immigration & Naturalization Service and US Customs)

In Car Entertainment (Sony)

In-Circuit Emulator

Iron Crown Enterprises (role-playing game company)

In-Circuit Emulation

Internal Combustion Engine

Istituto Nazionale Per Il Commercio Estero (Italian Trade Commission)

Information and Content Exchange (W3C protocol)

International Conference on Education

Intercontinental Exchange

Institution of Civil Engineers

InterCity Express (Deutsche Bahn AG)

International Christian Embassy (Jerusalem, Israel)

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (Costa Rican Electricity Institution)

International Center for Education (various locations)

Ice, Compression, Elevation (medical; sprains, injuries, etc.)

Information and Cultural Exchange (Australia)

Infantry Combat Equipment (US DoD)

Improving the Customer Experience (various companies)

Institute of Computer Education (various locations)

International Court for the Environment

Institute of Culinary Education (New York, NY)

Inter City Express (Germany)

Inter-City Express

International Casino Exhibition

Insight Control Environment (software)

International Currency Exchange

Industrial Control Equipment

Interactive Customer Evaluation

Internet Communications Engine (object-oriented toolkit)

International Conferences and Events

International Cultural Exchange

International Cometary Explorer

Interbank Currency Exchange (Belarus)

Interleukin-1 Beta-Converting Enzyme (cell physiology)

Interactive Connectivity Establishment (network protocol)

International Corpus of English

Institute for Chemical Education

Integrated Circuit Engineering

Institute for Culture and Ecology (est. 2005; Kenya)

Information and Consultation of Employees (regulations)

Internet Child Exploitation (Saskatoon Police)

Independent Cost Estimate

International Congress on Electrocardiology

Integrated Concurrent Engineering

Integer Constant Expression (programming)

Industrial Commercial Equipment (various locations)

Integrated Cooling Engine

International Cryogenic Engineering (conference)

Internal Compiler Error

Inner-City Education (hockey; Chicago, IL)

Inner City Experience (various locations)

Independent Commission of Experts (Switzerland)

Interoperable Communications Equipment (US FEMA)

Imperfect Channel Estimation (signal processing)

Intellectual, Cultural and Educational

Information Communications Entertainment (industries)

Innovative Clean Energy (various organizations)

Istituto per il Commercio con l'Estero (Italy)

Integrated Communications and Entertainment (New York, NY)

Isoflavone Clover Extract

International Certificate of Education (University of Cambridge; UK)

Industrial Computer Equipment (various locations)

Inventory of Conflict and Environment

Instrumental Chamber Ensemble

Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics (coined by Tom Maddox; popularised in William Gibson's SF novels)

Infobright Community Edition (open source computing)

International Council of Ethnodoxologists

In Class Essay

Institute for Community Economics

International Chess Enterprises

Index of Consumer Expectations

Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Institute for Continuing Education (Illinois)

Image Correction & Enhancement (ASF)

Integrated Computer Environment

Innovative Cooling Equipment (US DoD)

International Cosmetic Expo

In-Context Exact

Information and Computation Economies (conference)

Innovative Creations in Entertainment (arcade games)

Internet Content Exchange (protocol for content syndication)

Intelligence Center Europe

Internet Commerce Enabled (Nortel)

Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome (proliferation of corneal endothelium)

Internal Character Encoding

Imperial Crystalline Entombment (band)

Integrated Command Environment (US Navy C4I program)

Interface Configuration Experiment (USML)

Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education (Indiana)

International Chemical Environment

International Caenorhabditis Elegans Experiment (astronomy)

Information Collection and Exchange (US Peace Corps)

Indian Cultural Exchange

International Card Establishment (bankcard services)

Icelandair, Iceland (ICAO code)

Internal Consistency Error (computing)

Intercambio Científico Educacional (Cuba)

International Conseil Energie (French: International Energy Council)

Implementation Certified Expert (various businesses)

Igniting Creative Energy (national student contest)

Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (Spanish)

International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics

Interfaith Coalition on Energy

I Catch Everything (college football wide receiver motto)

InfoChain Express (Avery Dennison)

International Cryptography Experiment (founded in 1994)

Instant Capacity Expansion (software)

Internal Consistency Evaluator (Microsoft Windows)

Internet Chat Exchange

Interaction and Concurrency Experience (workshop)

Integrated Computer Engineering

Intelligent Content Engine

Ice Cold Enforcers (gaming clan)

Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (UN Economic Commission for Africa)

Integrated Child Exploitation unit (Canada)

Intensive Course in English

Intracardiac Echocardiogram

Industrial Communications Engineers

Infection Control Examination (Dental Assisting National Board)

International Correspondents in Education (network)

Integrated Cab Electronics (Rockwell Automation, Inc.)

Instrument Control Electronics

Illinois CIO Exchange

Industrial Combustion Emissions Model

Interpret Chinese-English (software)

Insane Creators Enterprises

Ifosfamide Cisplatin Etoposide (chemotherapy protocol)

Indoor Cycling Experience (indoor cycling class)

Independent Checking Engineer

International Congress of Egyptology

Iturralde Crater Expedition

Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship

Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancements (Network ICE)

Internet Commerce Exposition

Improvised Comedy Ents (Cambridge University; UK)

Isentropic Compression Experiment

Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Railroad Corporation

Individual Chemical Equipment

Integrated Cost Estimation

International Christian Education Credentialing (St. Mary's, GA)

Inventory Control Effectiveness

Intelligence Community Engineering

Increased Combat Effectiveness

Interactive Configurable Environment (OSIsoft)

Instance Creation Expression

Implicit Continuous Eulerian

Interactivity Connectivity Establishment

Integrated Component Environment (Java software)

Interface Control Element (Job Entry Subsystem 2; IBM)

Integrity, Commitment and Excellence

Intrusion Countermeasures Equipment

International Counter Espionage (gaming clan)

Image Communications Equipment

Indian Council of Education

Image Creation Engine

Innovations in Chemical Education

Information, Communication and Extension (Team)

Intelligence Concept Extraction

Inductosyn Electronics

Internet Center of Expertise (USACE)

Inverted Coaxial Magnetron

Institute for Construction Economics

Integrated Customer Evaluation

Interdiction Control Element

Interactive Constructive Environment

Interactive Internet Collaborative Environment (Insoft)

Instant Cash Exchange, LLC

InfiniStream Capture Engine

Isolated Compliance Environment (for Y2K testing)

Intersection Control Enforcement (Dalton Police Department)

International Commentary Explorer

Investigation & Criminal Enforcement (Kansas)

Impact Correlation Engine (ILOG)

Integrated Curriculum Environment

Immediate Consequent Event

Current Capacitive circuit Voltage (mnemonic for the phase relationship of the current (I) and voltage (E) in capacitive circuits(C))

Ingenieros Consultores Especializados (Guatemala)

Irate Customer Evaluation

Islamic Center of England

Intranode Circuit Edge

Internet Content and Exchange Format (National Seminconductor/W3C)

Ingenieros Consultores Especialistas (Guatemala)

In-orbit Communications Equipment

Interest, Commission, Extras (lending)

Intelligence and Community Engagement (police training)

Integrated Compliance Environment (formerly TIES)

Insertion Communication Equipment

Instant Customer Engagement

Integrated Clothing Ensemble (Canada)