Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:31

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: IA


Iowa (US postal abbreviation)

Information Assurance

Information Architecture

International Airport

Intel Architecture

Impact Assessment

In and Around

International Affairs

Internet Access

International Academy

Industrial Automation (Star Wars, company who made R2-D2)

Internal Affairs

Investment Advisor

Individual Assistance (US DHS/FEMA)

Inter Alia (Latin: among other things)

Internal Audit

Irrigation Association

Italian American

Impact Analysis

Immediate Action (Military)

International Agreement

Intangible Assets

Inspection Académique (France)

Internet Appliance

Inspection Authorization

Individual Account


Illegal alien

Initial Assessment

Instruction and Assessment

Intelligent Agent

Implementation Agreement

Indian Airlines

Independent Agencies


Institutional Advancement (various schools)

Intelligence Artificielle (French)

Investment Analysis

Isaac Asimov (author)

Identification and Authentication

Indian Army

Im Auftrag (German: By Order)

Inshallah (God willing)

Internal Assessment (International Baccalaureate testing)

Initial Attack (firefighting)

Independent Amount

Instructional Assistant

Industry Automation

Intelligence Analyst

In Absentia (Latin: On Behalf of and in the Absence Of)

Information Assistance

Implementing Agency

Invasive Aspergillosis


Individual Augmentee

Interagency Agreement

Independent Assessment

Interfaith Alliance

Institute of Astronomy

Initial Appointment

Imperial Army (gaming)

Internet Audio

Institute of Aging

India Abroad (newspaper)

Information Asset

Information Analyst

Italian Army

Industrial Archaeology

Instantly Available

International Alert (UK peacebuilding organization)

Information Appliance

Interface Adapter

Installment Agreement

Intelligence Assessment

Investment Agreement

Intruder Alert

Iraqi Airways (IATA airline code)

Issuing Agency

Intelligent Application

Initial Action

Imperial Academy (Star Wars)

Interval Arithmetic

Incentive Award

International Alphabet

Instrumentation Amplifier

Individual Augmentation

Interface Analysis

Intelligence Amplification

Inspection Administration

Initial Appraisal (USACE)

Industrial Attachment

Internet Alliance

Instrument Airplane

Imperial Age

Island Alliance (Boston, Massachusetts)

It's Academic

Incremental Analysis


Integrity Agreement

Industrial Affiliates

Interface Architect

Initial Authorization

Internal Alarm

Information Attack

Implementing Arrangement

Impulse Approximation (electron momentum density)

Implementing Agent

Infamous Adventures (gaming website)

Invasion America (Dreamworks TV Series)

Integrated Agent

Interstellar Alliance (Babylon 5)

Imperator Augustus (Latin: Emperor Augustus, epigraphy)

Intermediate Agent (networking)

Interoperability Agreement

Irrigation/Aspiration (medical procedures)


Institutional Adaptation (US Army)

Ineffective Attempt

Input Axis

Interface Agreement

Indicated Altitude

Interim Accreditation

Indian Airways

Installation Assessment

Investigative Analyst

Inhalation Anaesthetics (pharmaceutical industry)

Instituti Albanologjik (Albanological Institute, Kosova)

Image Amplifier

Impedance Angle

Inherent Availability

Interior Alliance (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada)

Internet Aid

Instable Angina (cardiology)

Irritant Agent

Inventory Automation

Interrogation Arm (explosive detection aid)

Installing Activity

Interactive Accountability

Input Acknowledgement

Imagery Analysis/Analyst

Implosion-Assembled (weapon)

Ifugao Academy (Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines)

Introducing Advisor (foreign exchange)

Immediately Avaliable

Installation Accountant