Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:53

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: HM

Heavy Metal

Health Monitoring

How Much

Hannah Montana (Disney Channel character)

Harvest Moon (video game by Natsume and Victor Interactive)

Half Marathon (race)


Herbal Medicine

Hospitality Management (various schools)

History in the Making

Honorable Mention (various organizations)

Hakuna Matata (Swahili: There Are No Worries)

Hennes & Mauritz

Haunted Mansion (Disney)

High Maintenance

Heard and McDonald Islands (ISO country code)

Hazardous Material

Hazardous Material (HAZMAT)

Horace Mann (various organizations)

Holistic Medicine

Hammer Mill

Homework Diary

Hollow Metal


Harmonic Mean

Home Maker

Harmonic Motion

Horse's Mouth

Hidden Mickeys (in Disney theme parks)

Higher Mind (Sri Aurobindo, Indian Yogi and philosopher)

Hand Motion (ophthalmological test of visual acuity)

Hydraulic Machine (various companies)

Hinge Mount (various companies)

Hotel Management (various organizations)

Houghton Mifflin Company

Half Mirror

Air Seychelles (IATA airline code)

Highly Magnified

Henry Molaison (memory loss patient)

Human Milk

Hard Music

Hidden Machine (Pokémon)

History Module (Honeywell)

History Matters (educator resources website)

Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1971 to present)

Historia Mexicana

Holy Moley

Holy Mackerel

Hoochie Mama

Hotto Motto (Japanese fast food chain)

High Moment (chemistry)

Hokkaido Museum

Hug Me

Hey Mercedes (band)

Hindu Munnani (Tamil Nadu movement)

Heard & McDonald Islands (Kerguelen, Including Prince Edward & Crozetis Islands)

Hyperbolic Metamaterial

Helper Monkey

Heavy Magnum (ammunition)

Hiring Manager

Hold Model

Hot Metal

Handmaids of Mary

Hyperbaric Medicine


Howling Mad (Murdock)

Horizontal Measure

Howler Monkey (wrestling)

Hare Majesteit (Her Majesty)


Hole Montes, Inc (Naples, FL)


Herrschende Meinung (German: prevailing opinion; legal)

Humanist Manifesto (ideology)

Her/His Majesty

Hôpital Militaire

Hydrogen Maser

Hans/Hennes Majestät (Swedish: His/Her Majesty)

Horizontal Multiplier (NIOSH)

Hamilton Sector (Lester B. Pearson International Airport; Canada)

Heavens Metal (Magazine)

Hardness Maintenance

Hotel Margherita (Isle of Capri, Italy)

Hybrid Magnetic

Hayakawa Mystery (Japanese book series)

Hippie Maffia

Hydrogen Monitor

Hum Modulation


(USN Rating) Hospital Corpsman

Halo Messenger (website)

Haptic Modeler (Surface Model Level Navigation)

Honesta Matrona (Latin: Virtuous Lady, epigraphy)

Horner Museum (Oregon State University)

Hunter Mountain Ski Slope