Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 18:39

Acronym Finder

Advanced Search

In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: GU

Global Underground (music label)

Guam (US postal abbreviation)

Georgetown University

Griffith University (Australia)

Gonzaga University

Göteborgs Universitet (University of Gothenburg, Sweden.)

Grow Up

Guildford (postcode, United Kingdom)


Gallaudet University

Gastric Ulcer

Glasgow University (Glasgow, Scotland, UK)

Graceland University (Iowa)

Gannon University (Pennsylvania)

Generalunternehmer (German)

Gujarat University (India)

Gently Used

General User

Grace University (Omaha, Nebraska)

Gunma University (Japan)

Gazi University (Turkey)

Gaming Universe

Gomal University (Deraismailkhan, Pakistan)

Guilan University (Iran)

Geographical Unit (currency)

Geographically Undesirable (partner too far away to date on a regular basis)


Geometrically Uniform

Guidance Unit

Guerilla Unit (gaming group)

Global Uranium Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada)


Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung (German: Protected Designation of Origin)

Gaming Union (gaming)

Gaming Update (forum)

Gamer Unlimited (forum)

Gateway Utopia (gaming)

Grafton and Upton Railroad Company

Games Unleashed (online gaming community)

Gamesunderground (gaming)