Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 20:04

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: GN


Grand National (Buick Regal)

Guinea (country code, top level domain)

Graphic Novel

Gram-Negative (bacteria)

Great Northern (former Danish telegraph company, now known as GN Store Nord A/S)

Gendarmerie Nationale (French: National Police; Niger)

Good Night


Great Neck (Long Island, New York)

Guide Number (photography)


Grammar Nazi

Great Northern Railway

Gonadotropin (hormone)

Gnosis (game Werewolf the Apocalypse; White Wolf)

Gross Negligence (law)

Grand Nationals (NASCAR auto racing)


Galvaneal (steel)

Guidance Note (instruction and advice)

Gender Neutral

Gary Numan (singer)

Graduate Nurse

General Notes

Good Neighbors

Government of Nunavut (Canada)

Air Gabon (IATA airline code)

Golgi Network

Group Ad-Hoc Network

German Navy

Gaseous Nitrogen

Grid North

Ground Network

Guantanamo to New York (routing designation)

General Nurse

Glenbard North (Illinois)

Gastroenterology Nursing (journal)

Génération Nouvelle (French: New Generation)

Grouping Network

Gundam Nucleus

Gay Nerds (website and forum)