Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 20:07

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: GM

Genetic Modification


Game Master

General Manager

General MIDI

Game Maker (software)

Good Morning

Genetically Modified

Grand Master

Gold Medal

General Mills

Grand Marquis (auto model)

Green Machine (nickname for The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps, Rosemont, IL)


General Meeting (various organizations)

Genetic Manipulation

Group Manager

Gross Margin

General Merchandise

Greater Manchester (UK)

Gray Matter

Growth Medium

General Market

Great Move (online chess)

Gastric Mucosa (stomach)

Great Minds

Gospel Music

Google Mail

Good Match

Genéticamente Modificado (Spanish: Genetically Modified)

Grey Market (trade; aka Gray Market)

Got Milk?

Global Moderator

Gas Mask

Group Message

Gray Market (trade; aka Grey Market)

Guided Missile

Geometric Mean


Germanic (linguistics)

General Music

Guild Master

Gorillamask (website)

Goldmember (Austin Powers movie)

Grand Marnier (liqueur)



Goat's Milk

Global Mechanism (UN Convention to Combat Desertification)

Godmodding (gaming)

Game Moderator (online multiplayer games)

Global Motors

Green Manure

Gold Master (final/master copy of a software product release)

God's Message

Grant Morrison (comic book writer)

German Measles

Girly Man

Gold Medallion (Delta Sky Miles Program)

General Major (German)

Garry's Mod (Half-Life2 modification)

Gunner's Mate (US Navy and US Coast Guard rating)

Grand Marshall


Gluteus Maximus

Gun Mount



George Medal

Growth Monitoring

Gravity Model

Republic of Gambia

General Mayhem (game)

Giant-Man (comic)

Metacentric Height

Goal Management

Global Memory

Gingival Margin

Green Mother (gaming)

Ground Mobile

Air Senegal International (ICAO code)

God Machine

General Merit

Government Mule (band)

Globally Minded (fair trade products)

Grateful Med

Guru Meditation (Amiga OS error)

General Magistrate (Florida law)

Geodetic Mission

Ground Mapping

Galveston to Mississippi River (routing designation; US Navy)

Silty Gravels (soil type)

Group Modem

Gambler Master (USDAA dog agility title)

Grotesque Mask (Everquest gaming)

Group Metric

Guard Mail

Grand Multipara

Gloria Macarenko (CBC News Anchor)

Geospace Mission

Guidance Manager

Gouvernements Marine (Dutch)

Grupos de Métodos (Spanish: group of methods)

Gravity Field and Mass Determination Measurements (NASA)

Gainesville Midland Railroad Company

General Maintenance Aptitude Area

Generator Matrix/Matrices