Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 18:39

Acronym Finder

Advanced Search

In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: GF

Girlfriend (chat)

Gluten Free

Ground Floor

GeForce (video card)

Good Friend

Grande Fratello (Italian reality show)

Goals For


Gold Filled

Goldfinger (James Bond movie)

Godfather (movie series)

Good Fun


Georg Fischer (Switzerland)

Great Falls (Montana or Virginia)

Grand Forks (North Dakota or British Columbia)

Glass Fiber

General Fund

Guitar Freaks (music simulation game)

Go Figure

Good Fight

French Guiana (country code, top level domain)

Glandular Fever (mononucleosis)

Granite Falls (various locations)

God First

Glomerular Filtration (renal function)

Gel Filtration (chromatography)

Grand Fantasia (gaming)

Generating Function (mathematics)

Ground Fault

Gram Force

Green's Function

Ground Forces

Gravitational Force

Graphite Furnace

Geschäftsführung (German: Management)

Gone Fishin'

Government Furnished

Guinean Franc (unit of currency)

Grand Floridian (Disney Resort)

GameFAQs (game website)

Galois Field

Geomagnetic Field

Grain Filling

Grim Fandango (adventure game)

General File

Guardian Force (Final Fantasy game)

Guardian Forces

Ground Fog

General Foreman

Global Family

GlobalFoundries (Milpitas, CA)

Games Finished (baseball)

Cyclosarin (Cyclohexyl methylphosphonofluoridate; nerve agent)

Guard Forward (basketball)

Gage Factor

Greater Fool


Galactic Federation (Metroid game)

Gaming Forums

Game Fly (gaming site)

Gap Filler

Gaussian Filter

Grapple Fixture

Georgia and Florida Railroad

Green Fairways (Singapore)

Gear Fetish

Groundwater Foundation

Greater Faydark (realm in Everquest gaming)

Gateway Foundation

Gay Fuel

Grandfather Sword (gaming)

Glitch Factor

Grate Firing

GymboFriends (unofficial online message board, Gymboree clothing)

Gateway Facility

Geelong Forums

Gulf Air Company - Bahrain (IATA airline code)

Grand Frigate (Puzzle Pirates game)

Guidance to Fire Control