Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 18:56

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: GD


G-Dragon (South Korean recording artist)

Goal Difference (soccer)

Goal Differential (soccer)

General Dynamics


Gold(en) Dollar


Grateful Dead (band)


Geometry Dash (video game series)

Graphic Design(er)

Group Discussion(s)

Green Day (band)

Grenada (country code, top level domain)

Good Day


Graph Drawing

Guangdong (China)

Gardner Denver, Inc. (pneumatic products company)

Generic Drug

Groundhog Day

Graves' Disease (also seen as GRD)

GoDaddy (domain registrar)

Soman (nerve agent)

Gestational Diabetes

God Damn

Golden Delicious (apple)


Graduate Degree

General Delivery (postal)

Gedo (postal region, Somalia)

Golden Dawn

Great Divide (Everquest, gaming)

Garment District (various locations)

General Duty

Gestational Day

Gangster Disciples (Gang)

Graphic Display

Gosh Darn

Global Delivery

General Deployment (Cisco)

God Delusion (book)

Großdeutschland (German WWII Panzer division)

Global Dynamics (Eureka science fiction)

Georgia Dome (Atlanta, GA)

Good Draw (Pictionary game slang)

Gender Dysphoria (medical syndrome)

Gun Dogs

Green Depth (golf)

General Diary

Gospel Doctrine

Geologic Division

Gas Discharges (and their Applications; International Conference)

Governing Document

Glucose Drink

Genetically Divergent

Gemcitabine Plus Docetaxel

General Discharge

Glasdach (German: skylight, glass roof)

Gravely Disabled (mental health)

Gap Distribution

Growth Duration

Global Defect

Gumboro Disease (Infectious Bursal Disease)

Giant Drop (amusement park ride)

Gum Disturbance (philately)

Gravity Drain

Grid Dynamics LLC (industrial design firm)

Grand Déplacement (French)

Graded Doping

Gasoline Dion (band)

GameDrift (website)


Geographic District

Gender Disappointment (family planning)

Godavari Delta (India)

Geothermal Division

Glasser's Disease (swine medicine)

Gaseous Dielectric

Gravimetric Density

Grupo de Diálogo (Spanish)

Guidance Drawing

Guided Expansion Bearing