Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:43

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: FF


Final Fantasy (game)

Final Fantasy

Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser)

Friends and Family

Fan Fiction

Fantasy Football

Surrender (Internet slang)

Fighting Fantasy (gamebook series)

Friends Forever

Fantastic Four

Fast Forward

Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade)

Fetish Factory (retailer)



Fast Food


Ford Fiesta (car)

Full Force (Jedi Knight game)

French Fries

Fly Fishing

Foo Fighters (band)

Fat Free

Family Finance (college course)

Free Fall



Franz Ferdinand (band)

First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA)

Flavor Flav (hip-hip)

Fortissimo (music)

Football Field

Federal Funds

Force Field

Friendly Fire

Form Factor

Food Fight

Frozen Fury (gaming clan)

Free Flight

Frequent Flyer

Fossil Fuel

Freedom Fighter (video game)

Free-Floating (Rifle Barrel)

Full Frame (photography)

First Friday

Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Fresh Frozen

Fully Fashioned (nylon stockings)

Final Fight (video game)

Fontfont (typeface library)

Founding Father (educational slang)

Force Feedback (joysticks/wheels for games)

Fully Functional

Fleet Foxes (band)

Freight Forwarder

Fear Factory (band)

Fixed Frequency

Freedom Force (game)

Ford Foundation

Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party)

Flat File

Foundation Fieldbus

Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA)

Frosted Flakes (cereal)

Form Feed


Flat Faced (pipe flange)

Fortress Forever (game mod)

French Franc

Fixed Focus (optics, cameras)

Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game)


Fiat Forum (online car forum)

Frame Format

First Fit (IEEE)

Formula Fed (parenting)

Flagrant Foul (basketball)

Free Fluid (medicine)

Fright Fest

Filter Factory

Feeding Frenzy (gaming)

Forced Fumble (football)

Freedom Forum

Freak Factory

Ford Forums

Filefront (gaming website)

Firefly Festival (Dover, DE)

Flash and Flow

Fabric Filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants)

Fatal Frame (game)

Freedom Front (South Africa)

Fitness Friend

Frostfell (gaming, Asheron's Call)

Final Frontier (gaming)

Frontier Force

Fuel Flow

Frou Frou (band)

Feed Forward

Family Feud (TV game show)

Fit Factor

Fonky Family (French rap group)

Fear Factor (TV show)

Floor Flatness (concrete construction)

Findhorn Foundation

Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby)

Fully Furnished

Foot Fault (bowling)

First Flowering

Focus Fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft)

Fluid Fantasy (forum)

Fill Factor (solar cell parameter)

Und Folgende (German: and following)

Flippin Funny

Freight Forward

Front-Engine, Front-Wheel-Drive Layout (motor vehicles)

Flight Following

Fatal Fury (anime/game)

Fuel Fabrication

Friendship Force

Flame Failure

Far Field

Fixed Filter (RSVP)

Functional Food

Full Funding

Field Format

Fraud Forum (GSM Association)

Feeling Fine

Federal Facility

Fancy Feast (cat food)

Fatally Flawed

Feet Forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle)

Full Forward (Australian football position)

Franc Français (French Franc)

Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Front-Engine Front-Wheel Drive

Fat Finger

Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan)

Football's Future (online community)

Fashion Freak

Financial Friend

Full Faced (pipe gasket)

Family Fortunes

Navy Fast Frigate (US DoD)

Fast Flash

Fuzz Face (guitar effect pedal)

Frostfire (game)

Factory Finish

Fast Frigate

Fein-Fein (German: extra fine)

Finish-to-Finish (work-management relationship)

Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile)


Follow Friday (twitter)

Flesh Field (band)

Finance Forward

Full Floater (truck axle)

Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons)


And the Following Pages

Full-Fed (animal science)

Farm Foundation

Fiamma Fumana (band)

Foot's Forecast (Baltimore, MD)

Finished Floor Elevation (architectural/civil drafting)



Fire & Forget

Facebook Fanatic (social media)

Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league)

Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game)

Finstere Flure (game)

Furious Force

Flight Ferry

Fuel Failure

Fallen Footwear (shoe company)

Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy)

Force Forfeit (online games)

Fast Fortress (Age of Empires 3 gaming)

Failure Factor

Fatal Forces (gaming clan)


Fatigue Correction Factor (US DoD)

Fuchs Friends (online community)

Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union)

Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken)

Funfonex (Finnish gaming site)

Freestyle Factory (Sweden; est. 2006)

Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina)

Fraction or Finish

Fulton Factor

Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy)

Forced Fluids (medical care)