Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:49

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: FEM


Finite Element Method


Finite Element Model

Far East Movement (music group)

Four Eyed Monster

Fonds pour l'Environnement Mondial (French: Global Environment Facility)

Front End Module

Foam Exercise Mat

Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica (Brasil)

Front End Manager (various companies)

Fédération Européenne des Métallurgistes (European Metalworkers' Federation)

Fakulta Ekonomiky a Manažmentu

Forschungsgemeinschaft Elektronische Medien eV

Foreign Exchange Market

Fédération Européenne de la Manutention (French: European Federation of Materials Handling; est. 1953)

Fixed Effects Model

Fluorescence Emission

Force Électromotrice (French: electromotive force)

File Extension Manager (software)

field emission microscopy

Free-Electron Maser

Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining (conference)

Fashion Elements

Focus Exposure Matrix (semiconductor)

Fluides Environnement Maintenance (French hazardous waste company)

Femmes et Entrepreneuriat en Mauricie (French: Women and Entrepreneurship in Mauricie; Mauricie, Quebec, Canada)

Fjällräven Extreme Marathon

Fluctuation Electron Microscopy

Forest Ecology and Forest Management

Fixed End Moment (mathematical analysis of a structure)

Facilities and Equipment Maintenance (USACE)

Fire Equipment Maintenance (Australia)

Frozen Empire Media (music label)

Federación Ecuestre Mexicana

Freinage Équipements Marseille (French: Marseille Braking Equipment; Marseille, France)

Fisheries and Environmental Management (Finland)

Force Électro-Motrice (French: driving electro force)

Feministas en Marcha (Spanish: Feminists on the March; Puerto Rico)

Facilities Engineering Management

Fast Eye Movement

Female Entrepreneurs' Meeting

Fællessekretariat for Eftersyns- og Mærkningsordningerne

Federated Export Marketing

Fissionable Equivalent Mass

Fluorouracil, Epirubicin, Mitomycin

Fundacja Edukacji Miêdzynarodowej

Fiber and Environmental Management (Alcatel)

Female Engineered Marketing

Folklore Ensemble Magdeburg eV (Magdeburg, Germany)

Fred Ellsworth Medallion

Federation of Women Entrepreneur Association Malaysia

Faculty of Economics and Muamalat (University Sains Islam Malaysia)