Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:31

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: FDM

Fused Deposition Modeling

Formal Development Methodology

Finite-Difference Method

Forenede Danske Motorejere

Forex Dealer Member

Frequency Division Multiplex(ing)

Fuzzy Decision Making

Foundation for Decision Making

Flight Dynamics Model

Flight Data Monitoring

Fachverband des Maschinen (German wholesale machine association)

Fugitive Dust Model

Farallon de Medinilla (Northern Mariana Islands)

Français du Monde (French: French of the World; political group)

Formes de la Mobilité (French: Forms of Mobility)

Financial Data Management

France Danemark Matériel (French industrial equipment company)

Freiburger Zentrum für Datenanalyse und Modellbildung (Germany)

Functional Data Model

Flash Disk Module

Frequency Domain Multiplexing

Furniture Design and Manufacturing (magazine)

Feature Difference Measure

Fashion Design and Merchandising

Fuel Delivery Module (automotive)

Flash Data Memory

Financial Data Mart

Française des Montages (French: French Montages)

Filter Diagonalization Method

Facilities Development Manual

Financial Decision Making

Fundamentals of Disaster Management

Front Desk Manager

Fiveash Data Management Inc

Financial Data Manager (Oracle)

Foreign Domestic Movement

Frederick Douglass Museum

Fused Deposition Manufacturing

Façades Distribution Méditerranée (French building facade company)

Freeze Dried Mealworms

Financial Disclosure Management (US Army on-line computer program)

Functional Data Manager

Form Deprivation Myopia

File Distribution Manager

Feature Design Memorandum (USACE)

Family Decision Meeting (Oregon Department of Human Services)

Formulaire de Demande

Frequency Domain Modulation

Facilities Design and Management (magazine)

Faute de Mieux (French)

Flexor Digiti Minimi

Family Development and Management

Flight Data Manager

Fine Design Marine

Fat Content in Dry Matter

Florida Disaster Management

Farmer Direct Marketing

Froid des Mascareignes (cold storage company)

Fat Dog Mendoza (cartoon network show)

Fame Data Management

Feasibility Demonstration Models

File Diagnostic Message

Flash Development Module

Football Dot Manager (online game)

Functional Document Model

Friends of the Divine Master

Force Direction Message

Fourier Decomposition Method

Fill and Drain Module

Feedback Data Management

Fables Device Manufacturer

Fault Detection and Management

Forging Design Manual (aluminum)

Fondation des Deserts du Monde

Flexible Delivery Mode (teaching method)

Fixed Dose Method

Figure of Demerit

Failure Detector Module

Free-Flying Dynamic Models

Food Drug Mass-Merchandise (market segment)

Full Drive Modulation

Force Distribution Manual

Frequent Dancer Miles

Factory Data Management

Fraction of Deadlines Made

Fusion Data Management (Unreal tournament clan)

Fundación Diálogo Mujer (Spanish: Foundation for Women's Dialogue; Colombia)