Today, Thursday، 26 Dec 2024 - 23:39

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: FDD

Floppy Disk Drive

Frequency Division Duplex

Franchise Disclosure Document

Feature-Driven Development

Feature-Driven Development (software development methodology)

Forum for Democracy and Development (Zambia)

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

Functional Decomposition Diagram

Fonds pour le Développement Durable (French: Sustainable Development Fund; Switzerland)

Faculté de Droit (French: Law School; Togo)

Flexible Disk Drive

Financial Due Diligence

Forces for the Defense of Democracy (Burundi)

Fonds de Dotation (French: Endowment Fund)

Faune et Développement Durable (French: Wildlife and Sustainable Development; EU)

Father Daughter Dance

Functional Design Document

Focused District Development (NATO)

Full Deployment Decision

Food Distribution Division (USDA)

Familial Danish Dementia

Final Delivery Date

Fault Detection Diagnostic

First Digitized Division

Freight, Demurrage and Defense (also seen as FD&D; shipping industry)

Ferrari Démolition Désamiantage (French demolition company)

Frequency of Drinking Days

Freezing Degree Days

Fixed Date Departure (travel)

Force Design Division

Fire Department Directory

Functional Decision Diagram

Façades Dallages et Déco (French building renovation company)

First Dollar Defense (insurance)

First Due Date

Formation Diplômante Dérogatoire (French: Derogatory Diploma Course)

Force Design Directorate

Facility Design Description

Functional Description Document

Foreign Documents Division

Financial Data Disseminator

Force Design and Development

Functional Decomposition Design

Farm Ditch Density

Formal Domain Definition

Flexible Delivery Development (Sprint)

Floating Digital Drive

Family Double Dare (TV show)

Fábrica do Design

Filthy Difiler Disgrace

Fisheries Development Department