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Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 07:11
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Search result from: FA
Football Association (England)
Football Association (UK)
Foreign Agent (network node)
Free Agent (baseball, football, etc.; player who may sign with any team)
Fine Arts
First Aid
Financial Aid
Firma (German: company)
Fire Alarm
Failure Analysis
Featured Article (Wikimedia Foundation)
Financial Advisor
Fatty Acid
Field Artillery
Family Assistance
Factory Automation
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Firearms (half-life modification)
Fallen Angel
Flight Attendant
Fixed Assets
Functional Area
Finance and Accounting
Forever Alone
For Auction
Final Approach
Fully Automatic
First Avenue (Arcadia, CA middle school)
Frente Amplio (Spanish: Broad Front; Uruguayan political party)
Framework Agreement (various organizations)
False Alarm
fractional anisotropy
Fat Albert (fictional character)
First Article
First Ascent (climbing)
Finanzamt (German: revenue office)
Area Forecast (aviation)
Fly Ash (mineral admixture for concrete)
Functional Analysis
Full Armor (anime)
Factor Analysis
Final Approval
Food Allergy
Forced Air
Certified Mail (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
Flash Animation
Family Auto (car dealers)
Farm Aid
Fiona Apple (singer)
Feasibility Assessment (US DoD)
Formic Acid
Focus Area
Fanconi Anemia (form of aplastic anemia)
Final Assembly
Functional Assessment
Florida Airsoft (gaming website)
Facility Agreement
Flame Arrestor (various companies)
Friends Always
Function Analysis (product engineering / development tool)
Fluorescein Angiography (retinal, choroidal and iris blood vessels testing)
Freight Allowed (shipping)
Field Activities
Fluorescent Antibody (laboratory virus testing)
Fat Activism
Fourier Analysis
Federal Agent
Farmers' Almanac
Finally Approved (sarcastic variation of Final Approval)
Fame Academy (UK BBC series)
Fund Accounting
Funds Allocated (USACE)
Fiscal Agent (Medicaid)
Full Adder
Fulvic Acid
Forward Area
Final Acceptance
Fanny Adams
Fat Admirer
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (Woburn, MA)
Financial Assurance
Feasibility Analysis
Frankford Arsenal (PA; ammunition headstamp)
Family Allowance
Flash Arrestor (tool; aka Flashback Arrestor)
Faith Alive
Fiber Adapter
Fibrilacion Auricular (Spanish: Atrial Fibrillation)
Financial Agent
Felonious Assault (law enforcement)
Fur Affinity (web site)
Federal Association
Field Assistance
Forte Agent
Fredericksburg Academy
Framework Approach
Final Art (desktop publishing/printing/design; approved by client and ready to go to production)
Fuel Assembly
Functional Acknowledgment
Failure Alarm
Frontal Aviation
Faculty Assistant
Fairchild Aircraft
Full Arc
Familial Amyloidosis (abnormal protein deposit)
Flight-Critical Aft (US NASA)
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Flight Aft
Fireman Apprentice
Feudal Age
French Angora (rabbit)
Fulbright Association
Freakin' A! (polite form)
Focus Alert
Flanking Attack
Fuse Alarm
Fijian Association (political party)
Functional Allocation
Forecast Analyst
Final Alert (mapmaking program)
Functional Administrator
Formal Advertising
Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Flexible Alerting
Fibonacci Association
Factories Act 1961 (UK)
Fiery Avenger (Everquest game)
Frankfort Arsenal (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Fighter Allocator
Forced Answer
Field Authorization
Fluorescein Angiogramic Angiography
Fenton's Approximation (Algorithm)
Friederich's Ataxia
Focus Amplifier
Force Analyzer
Frog Applause (comic strip)
Foreign Military Affairs
First Aid/Medical Aid Station
Filiae Amatissimae (Latin: To (My) Beloved Daughter, epigraphy)
Fury Assembly
Frequency Agile/Agility
Fiche d'Anomalie (French: Error Report)
Federale Alliantie (Federal Alliance)