Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 14:55

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: EV

Extended Validation

Electric Vehicle

Electro Voice

Electron Volt

Enterprise Value

Exposure Value (photography)

Earned Value

Evanescence (band)

Expected Value

Escape Velocity

Evansville (Indiana)

Evanston (Illinois)

En Vogue (female singing group)

Environment Variable (computing)

Embedded Value

Escape Velocity (computer game)

Electoral Votes

Event Horizon (movie)

Enter Vehicle (police incident code)

En Ville (French: In Town)

Eingetragener Verein (German: Registered Association)

Eaux Vannes (French: Water Valves)

Event Point (transportation)

EudraVigilance (data processing network; European Medicines Agency)

Ebola virus

Extreme Value

Escort Vessel

Exhaust Valve

Effort Values (gaming)


Eesti Vabariik (Estonian Republic)

Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis

External Verification

Experimental Version


Entry Vehicle

Eczema Vaccinatum (reaction to Smallpox vaccination)

Engineer Vehicle

Enchiridion Vaticanum (Vatican reference book)

Endogenous Virus

Environmental Volunteers

Estimated Variance

Extra Variable

Extreme Voice (Ultravox fanzine)

Exposed Variable (plumbing)

Evaporator Vessel

Enforcement Vector

Electronics Volts