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Search result from: ESA
European Space Agency
Environmental Site Assessment
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (US)
Ecological Society of America
El Salvador
Electrical Safety Authority
Entertainment Software Association
Enterprise Services Architecture (SAP)
Economic and Social Affairs
Employment Standards Act (Canada)
Employment and Support Allowance (UK)
Entomological Society of America
Entdecken Sie Algarve (German: Discover Algarve; magazine; Portugal)
Employment Standards Administration (US Deaprtment of Labor)
Environmentally Sensitive Area
École Supérieure des Arts (French: University of the Arts; Beglium)
Economic and Statistical Analysis (various locations)
European System of Accounts
Extended Stay America (Charlotte, NC)
Excited State Absorption
Eastern Surfing Association
Eastern and Southern Africa
Enthusiast System Architecture (protocol)
European Sociological Association (est. 1992)
European Symposium on Algorithms
Education Savings Accounts
Electric Seat Adjustment (cars)
Enterprise Software Advisor
Emergency Services Authority (Australia)
European Sponsorship Association
Ecologically Sensitive Area
Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent
École Supérieure d'Agriculture (French agriculture school)
Early Stone Age (prehistoric era)
Engineering Services Agreement
Enterprise Systems Architecture
Embedded Software Architecture
Energy Solutions Arena (Salt Lake City, UT)
Electrochemical Surface Area
Embedded Systems Applications
Economics and Statistics Administration
École Supérieure des Affaires (French; Lebanese school of management)
Episcopal School of Acadiana (Louisiana)
École Spéciale d'Architecture (French: Special School of Architecture)
Emergency Services Access
Extended Service Area
El Semanario Agencia (Spanish: The Weekly Agency; Mexico)
Electrostatic Analyzer
Employment Security Agency (various locations)
Electronic Suspension Adjustment (motorcycles)
Enterprise Service Automation
Electronically Scanned Array
Environmental Services Association
European System of Integrated Economic Accounts
EFTA Surveillance Authority
Education Service Agency
Educational Services of America (Nashville, TN)
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
External Support Agency
Exchange Settlement Account
European Snacks Association
English Student Association
Electrostatic Attraction (compare to ESD)
Emergency Stand Alone
Euratom Supply Agency
Ephemera Society of America (est. 1980)
Energy Services of America Corporation (Huntington, WV)
Extended System Architecture
Electronic Spark Advance (automotive)
Enterprise Systems Administration (various locations)
Ecologically Significant Area (various locations)
European Society of Anaesthesiologists
Enterprise Security Analyzer (software)
Event-Sequence Analysis
Enterprise Security Architecture (NAC)
Enterprise Software Agreement
Enterprise Search Appliance (software)
Enhanced Situational Awareness
European Society of Agronomy
Enterprise Support Agency (Macedonia)
Earth Sensor Assembly
Etobicoke School of the Arts (Toronto, Canada)
Explosive Safe Area
Employment Service Agency
Ecosystem Spatial Analysis
Études Spéciales Appliquées (French: Special Applied Studies)
Episcopal Synod of America
Electronic Sub-Assembly
Electrical Signature Analysis
Enterprise Storage Array
event structure analysis
Education Students' Association
Economics Student Association
Electrically Small Antenna
Exclusive Seller's Agent (real estate)
Engage, Study, Activate (teaching method)
Engineering Support Activity (US military)
Eastern Sunbathing Association (AANR region)
Electronically-Steered Antenna
End System Address (Ciena)
External Situational Awareness (National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination)
Executive Search Associates (various organizations)
Études Services Automations (French: Studies Automations Services)
Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua
Equatorial South America
Equivalent Standard Axles (transportation engineering)
Environmental Sciences Associates
English Setter Association (UK dog fanciers' club)
Engineering Sciences and Applications Division (LANL)
Enhanced Subscriber Authentication
Expedited Site Assessment
Ethical Society of Austin
Energy Separation Algorithm
Electro-Spark Alloying
Emergency Safe Altitude
Earth Security Agency
European Studies Alliance
Epiphyllum Society of America (Monrovia, California)
End-Stage Assessment (UK project management)
Electrical Surge Arrestor
Errored Second, type A
Expiration of Service Agreement
Equipment Support Activity
Early School Assessment
Employee Stock Allocation
Engineering Source Approval (quality management)
Electronic Security Association
Electrostatic Self-Assembly Process (nanotechnology)
Erroneously Sued As
Environmental Sensor Assessment
Exploratory Shaft Facility (YMP)
Ethnographic Survey of Africa
Electricity Storage Association, Inc.
All-electronic Safing and Arming (device)
Electromagnetic Signal/Systems Analysis
Electron Scan Antenna
Ether Starting Aid
External Satellite Antenna
Eurpoean Symposium on Algorithms
Expansion Scheduling Algorithm
Entrepreneurship Student Association (various universities)
Ergonomic Success Award
Employee Services Area
Enhanced Services Agreement
Effective States Approximation