Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 12:31

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ERI

Eritrea (ISO Country code)

Education, Research and Innovation

Espace de Rencontres et d'Information (French: Space for Meetings and Information)

Economic Research Institute (Redmond, WA)

Education and Research Institute (various organizations)

Early Reading Intervention (education)

European Research Infrastructures

Ecological Restoration Institute (NAU)

Earthquake Research Institute (Japan)

Early Retirement Incentive (various organizations)

Emergency Response International (Cashmere, WA)

Electronic Recyclers International (Fresno, CA and Gardner, MA)

Education Resources, Inc. (Medfield, MA)

Earthrights International

Explosion Research Institute (Japan)

Education Resources Information Center.

Equipment Reliability Institute

Elective Replacement Indicator (pacemakers)

Electronic Recording of Interrogations (law enforcement software)

Eastern Radiologists, Inc. (Greenville, NC)

Eleanor Roosevelt Institute

Elm Research Institute

Exchange Rate Index

Economic Reciprocity Initiative (NAACP)

Executive Risk Indemnity (Warren, NJ)

Excès de Risque Individuel (French: Excess of Individual Risk)

Evolutionary Retention Index

Electricity Regional Initiative (EU; est. 2006)

Erie, PA, USA - Erie International (Airport Code)

Engineer Restructure Initiative

Extended Roaming Indicator (cellular phones)

Epidemiology Resources Inc. (Chestnut Hill, MA)

Embedded Running Indicator (watches)

Early Return Index

Employee Retraining Initiative

Employee Relations Inventory

Excess Regulation Index (business ethics)

Economic Residual Income

Elsevier Realty Information, Inc