Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:13

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: EOR

Enhanced Oil Recovery


Exporter of Record (shipping)

End of Record

Emergency Operating Room (various locations)

End of Report

End of Round (gaming)

End of Row

Essence of Recovery (alcoholism website)

European Organization for Research

Electric Orbit Raising (satellites)

Eye of Round (meat)

Element Occurrence Record (biotics)

Engineer of Record

Earth Orbit Rendezvous

End of Run (US Postal Service)

End of Range

End of Rant (e-mail, newsgroups, etc.)

End of Run (Oil Refining)

East of the River

End of Runway

Equal Opportunity Representative (US Army)

Explanation Of Review

Ente Operador Regional (Spanish: Regional Operator Entity)

Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance

Employer of Record

Élève-Officier de Réserve (French: Cadet Reserve Officer)

Element Of Resource

Epping-Ongar Railway (UK)

Exclusive Or Gate

Expertise et Optimisation Retraite (French: Expertise and Optimization Retreat)

Evidence of Receipt

End of RIB

End of Retransmission

Engage on Remote

Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc (Oakdale, MN)

End of Ramp

Explanation of Reimbursement (medical insurance)

Explosive Ordnance Recognition

Enterprise of Responsibility

Enterprise Organizational Readiness

Engage Order Remote

End of the Road/Route

Equipment Operational Readiness

Equipment Operationally Ready

Effective Operational Radius

Eastern Ontario Regiment (Canada)

Engineering Order Request