Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:39

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: EMI

Electromagnetic Interference

Emergency Management Institute

European Monetary Institute

Expérience de Mort Imminente (French: Near Death Experience)

Engineering Mechanics Institute (American Society of Civil Engineers)

Electromagnetic Induction

Educational Media International (journal; Taylor & Francis)

École des Métiers de l'Information (French: Trade School of Information)

European Movement International (lobbying group)

Event Management International (various locations)

Estimador Mensual Industrial (Spanish: Industrial Monthly Estimator)

Experiments in Musical Intelligence (software)

Electrical and Musical Industries (EMI record company)

Enhanced Multilayer Software Image (Cisco)

École de Musique Intercommunale (French music school)

Experimental Musical Instruments (magazine)

Emergency Management Issues

Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (Morocco)

Emirates Media Inc. (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Equated Monthly Installment

Engineering, Manufacturing and Industrial (industry sector)

Eagle Materials, Inc. (Dallas, TX)

External Memory Interface

Electromagnetic Immunity

Escape from Monkey Island (LucasArts computer game)

Emerging Markets Index (HSBC)

Elderly Mentally Infirm (UK)

Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative

Employment Market Information (India)

Equipment Manufacturers Institute

Energy Markets International (various locations)

Equal Monthly Installments (finance/business)

Elderly Mentally Ill

Extended Market Index (finance)

External Machine Interface (SMS - Protocol)

Exchange Message Interface (Bellcore)

Entraide Missionnaire Internationale (French: Mutual International Missionary)

Extra Military Instruction

Education Market Intelligence (British Council Services for International Marketing; UK)

English as the Medium of Instruction (Hong Kong)

Electronic Money Institution

Ecosystem Management Initiative

Educable Mentally Impaired

Entraide Médicale Internationale

Essex Music, Inc.

Enterprise Mentors International (Draper, UT)

Encore Marketing International (Lanham, MD)

Enter Missing Involuntary (child disappearance; NCIC form datum)

Ecosystem Management Incorporation

Economics, Markets, Institutions (Lucca, Italy)

Electronic Message Interface

Énergie Minimale d'Inflammation (French: Minimum Ignition Energy)

Electro Magnetic Influence

Extramarital Intercourse (medical records)

External Muon Identifier

Electrical-Mechanical Inspection

Étanchéité Mécanique Industrielle (French: Industrial Mechanical Seal)

Extrinsic Mutual Information

Enterprise Management Implementation

Equateur Météorologique Incliné