Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 14:26

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: EE


Enterprise Edition (Java2)

Electrical Engineering

Evaluation Engineering

Everyone Else

Environmental Education

End-to-End (computer networking)

Expression Engine (Pmachine.com)

End Entity (validation)

Experts Exchange

Energy Efficiency

Engineering Evaluation

Eastern European

Electrical Engineer

Electrical Equipment

Execution Environment

Extreme Edition (Intel Pentium 4)

Environmental Engineering

Energy and Environment

Electrical Energy

Eagle Eye

Elementary Education


Ecological Economics (journal)

Energy Expenditure

Easter Egg (hidden area of a program or site)



Electronic Engineer

Ersatz Elevator (Lemony Snicket)

External Environment

Extended Edition (DVD movie version)

Empire Earth (game)

East End (various locations)

Ethinyl Estradiol (also seen as EE2)

Evil Empire (gaming)

Executive Editor

Early Entry

Extended Essay (International Baccalaureate)

Emergency Exit

Early Edition

Effort Estimation (testing)

Equal Exchange

Everybody Edits (game)

Eosinophilic Esophagitis


External Examiner

Education Establishment

2-Ethoxyethanol (ether)

Enterprise Engineering

Equipment Engineering

Expressed Emotion (psychiatric term used in schizophrenia settings)

Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing)

Edge Enhancement (video)

Ether Extract

Envelope Expansion

Eased Edges (lumber industry)

Elite Edition

Et Cetera, Et Cetera

Electronic Encyclopedia

Element Evil (games)

Edward Elric (protagonist of anime series FullMetal Alchemist)

Excess Emission(s)

Escape and Evasion

Eternal Energy

Element Energy

Ecological Efficiency

Earth Electrode

Exercise Experience

Exotic Ethnic (gaming)

Ecosystem Evaluation

Errors Excepted

Extended Employment program

Exudative Epidermitis (Porcine Circovirus 2)

Euskadiko Ezquerra (Basque Division of the Spanish Left Wing Party)

Emergency Establishment (US DoD)

Eternal Echo (band)

Elements of Expense

Eternity Engine (gaming)

Enter Exponent (calculator function)

Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy

Epreuve d'essai (French: proof print)

Emo Earth (social network)

Exponential Elevation

Engagement Effectiveness

Elston-Ellis Grade (also seen as E-E)

Evropaiki Enosi (Greek: European Union)

Electrical Essence (forum)

Engraver's Express, Inc