Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 16:18

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: EDP

Eau de Parfum

Electronic Data Processing

Eastern Daily Press (UK)

Energias de Portugal


Embedded Display Port (Video Electronics Standards Association)

European Democratic Party

Economic Development and Planning (various organizations)

Excessive Deficit Procedure

Electricidade de Portugal (Portugal)

Engineering Design Process

Engineering Development Program

End Diastolic Pressure (cardiology)

Entrepreneurship Development Programme (India)

Economic Development Policy

Enterprise Data Protection

Équation aux Dérivées Partielles (French: Partial Differential Equation)

Emotionally Disturbed Person (NYPD)

Electronic Data Processor

Event Driven Programming

English Democrats Party (England)

Engine Driven Pump (hydraulic, aerospace)

Enterprise Development Program

Employee Development Plan

Electron Density Profile

Electronic Dream Plant (UK)

External Diploma Program

Economics Discussion Paper Series (UK)

Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales (Spanish: Equation in Partial Derivatives)

External Degree Program

Employee Discount Program (various locations)

Economic Development Partnership

Échantillon Démographique Permanent (French: Permanent Demographic Sample)

Educational Development Plan

Export Development Project (various locations)

Export Development Programme (various locations)

Extended Day Program (education; various locations)

Engineering Development Plan

Electronic Document Professional (Xplor International)

Enfants du Plessis (French children's sports association)

Everyday Purchases (credit card rewards program)

Equipment Distribution Program

Enterprise Document Presentment

Emergency Department Physician

Environmental Differential Pay

Engineering Design Plan

Every Day Price

Engineering Development Phase

Embedded Development Platform (electronics)

Exhibit Design and Production (tradeshows)

Extended Degree Program (Washington State University)

Extra Duty Pay (various governments)

Emergency Depressurisation

Electronic Dictionary Project

English Democratic Party (UK)

Event Design Plan

Energy-Delay Product

Educational Development Program

Enseignant du Primaire (French: Primary Teacher)

Eating Disorders Program

Epsilon Delta Pi (honor society)

Enhanced Dot Pitch

Excess Demand Probability

Economic Development Professional (Northeast Economic Developers Association)

Elite Development Program (athletics; various locations)

Expedite Departure Path

Every Damn Penny

Electro-Diesel Portal (French vehicle repair company)

Eco-Domestic Product

Engineering Demand Parameter

Enchant Deadly Poison (Ragnarok online gaming)

Exam Delivery Provider (Microsoft)

École Départementale de Puériculture (French: Departmental Nursery School)

Expérientiel et Développement Personnel (French: Experiential and Personal Development)

Equivalent Duty Period (Selected Marine Corps Reserve)

Emergency Defense Plan

Ecclesiastical Deed Poll

ELINT Data Processor

Edema Disease Principle

Engineering Drawing Package

Early Departure Procedure (maritime)

Embedded Data Processing/Processor

Enterprise Development Process

Epoxy Deck Paint

Ethylene-Diamene-Pyrocatechol (etchant solution)

Expedited Drug Program

Expletive Deleted Podcast (Rockledge, FL)

Escravos do Presidente (Portugal, band)

Entreprise de Développement Paysagé (French: Landscaped Development Company)

Electronic Detailed Package

Erratic Dive Profile (SCUBA diving)

Error Detection Probability

Equipment Deadlined for Parts

Entretien de Développement Professionnel et Formation (French: Maintenance of Professional Development and Training)

Emergency Dance Party (Internet slang)

Explosive Delivered Penetrator

Electro Deposition Plating (coating)