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Search result from: EDM
Electronic Dance Music
Entity Data Model
Electronic Document Management
Electric(al) Discharge Machining
Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)
Edmonds (Amtrak station code; Edmonds, WA)
Enterprise Data Management
Early Day Motion (UK parliament)
Engineering Development Model
Engineering Document Management (software)
Electric Dipole Moment
Enfants du Monde (French: Children of the World)
Electro Discharge Machining
Engineering Data Management
Enterprise Document Management (electronic files)
Eurasia Daily Monitor (Jamestown Foundation)
Electronic Direct Marketing
Entrepreneurs du Monde (French: Entrepreneurs of the World)
École des Managers (French: School of Managers)
Electronic Direct Mail
Event Data Management
Event Driven Marketing
Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (WHO)
Électricité de Mayotte (French electrical company)
Electronic Distance Measurement
Master of Education
Electronic Data Management
École Départementale de Musique (French: Departmental School of Music)
Educational Data Mining
Espace Demarq Ménager (French appliance retailer)
Expert Decision Making
EMC Data Manager
Everyone Deserves Music (album)
Experience Design Management (Tufts Gordon Institute; Boston, MA)
Every Drop Matters (UNDP Coca-Cola partnership)
Electronic Data Manager
Énergie du Mali (French; electric company; Mali)
External Device Monitoring
Electronic Distance Meter
Enterprise Data Model
Européenne de Marbre (French: European Marble)
Electronic Discharge Machining
Environmental Decision Making
Emboutissage du Mail (French stamping company)
EDM Drilling Machines
Euro Diffusion Médicale (French: Euro Medical Distribution)
Emerging Domestic Market
European Domestic Market
Extensor Digiti Minimi
Electron Discharge Machining
Electron Devices Meeting
Enterprise Decision Manager (software)
Emergency Disaster Management
Expertisecentrum Digitale Media (Dutch: Expertise Center for Digital Media; Belgium)
Étoile des Mauges (French sports club)
Engineering Design Model
Extended Data Message
Enterprise Desktop Manager
Electron Devices and Materials (IEEE workshop)
Électricité Dépannage Maintenance (French: Electrical Maintenance Repair)
Electro-optical Distance Measurement
École Doctorale Médicament (French: Medical Doctoral School)
Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Multiple
Error Detection Mechanism
Employee Development Manager
Electro-magnetic Distance Measurement
Enhanced Data Mode
Equipment Deadlined for Maintenance
Engineering Demonstration Model
Ego Defense Mechanism (psychology)
Early Detection Mode
European Defence Meeting
Emergency Destruction of Munitions
Express Development Methodology
External Digital Modulation (Agilent)
Event Detection Module
ECTU Documents Manager