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Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 14:43
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Search result from: EDC
Estimated Date of Confinement
Education Development Center, Inc.
Electronic Data Capture (for use in clinical trials)
Export Development Canada
Economic Development Corporation
Electric Daisy Carnival (Los Angeles, CA)
Economic Development Commission
Economic Development Council
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Eau de Cologne
Endocrine Disrupting Chemical (environment)
EROS Data Center
Electricidad de Caracas (Venezuela electric company)
Every Day Carry (knife collector slang)
European Documentation Centre
Ethylene Dichloride
Entrepreneurs et Dirigeants Chrétiens (French: Christian Entrepreneurs and Managers)
Eden District Council (UK)
Everyday Carry (knife)
Export Development Corporation (Canada)
Electronic Dispersion Compensation
Error Detection Code
Education for Democratic Citizenship
Entreprises dans la Cité (French: Businesses in the City)
1-Ethyl-3- (3-Dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide
Energy Development Corporation (Philippines)
Electronic Damper Control (automotive system)
Electronic Diesel Control
European Drift Championship (car racing)
Electric Distribution Company (various locations)
Education Data Center (various locations)
Enterprise Data Center
Explosive Detection Canine (security)
Edgar, Dunn & Company (various locations)
École des Consommateurs (French: School of Consumers)
Every Drop Counts (various organizations)
European Defense Community
European Design Centre (Netherlands)
Executive Deferred Compensation (retirement)
Electronic Draft Capture
Emergency Dispatch Center (various locations)
Economic Dispatch Control
Épisode Dépressif Caractérisé (French: Characterized Depressive Episode; psychology)
Center for Education and Development of Chromatography (Vietnam)
Economic Development Conveyance
Engineering Design Conference
Engineering Design Centre (various organizations)
Extensor Digitorum Communis (medical)
Ecole de Cavalerie (French: Cavalry School)
Expected Date of Confinement
Electrical Discharge
Endocrine-Disrupting Compound
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
Engineering Design Center (various organizations)
Edgar de Carvalho (French public works company)
Environmental Design Contest
Européenne de Cautionnement (French: European Bond)
Electrical Distribution & Control
Electronic Debit Card
Epidermal Differentiation Complex
Equity and Diversity Committee (various locations)
Error Detecting Code
Evonik Degussa Corporation (Evonik Industries; various locations)
Electronic Digital Computer
Error Detection & Correction
Economia di Comunione (Italian: Economy of Communion)
Easington District Council (UK)
Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action
Egyptian Drilling Company
Enhanced Data Correction
Eastern Distribution Center
Éveil De Contres (French badminton club)
Education and Development Center
Earth Day Coalition (Cleveland, Ohio)
EUROLAS Data Center
Estimated Date of Conception
Europees Documentatie Centrum
Extension Distribution Center
Estimated Date of Completion
Engineering Documentation Control
Ecole des Dirigeants et Créateurs d'Entreprises
Engine Driven Compressor (utilized by aircraft to provide pressurization to the cabin)
Enterprise Document Capture (software)
Energy Distribution Curve (spectroscopy)
Energy Data Collection Project (Digital Government Research Center)
Emmanuel Duclos Conseil (French consulting firm)
Emballage Diffusion Création (French packaging manufacturer)
Effective Dielectric Constant
Energy Disruption Committee (US FEMA)
Electronic Drag Torque Control (Opel)
Equity and Diversity Centre (various locations)
Equivalent Distillation Capacity
Effective Date of Contract
Electronic Document Coordinator
Egyptian Developers Conference
Electronic Design Center
Expediency Discernment Council (Iran)
Enterprise-Wide Electronic Data Capture
Engineering Date Code
Electronic Data Control
Earliest Documented Cover (philately)
Early Display Capability (US FAA)
Emergency Decontamination Center
Effective Date of Change
Engineering Design Council
Entertainment Development Council
Electronic Discharge Laser
Electrical Date Code
Edge Design Center
Eastern District Conference (Mennonite church)
Engineering Design Concept (US DoD)
Expect Departure Clearance At .... (time)
External Database Coordination
Estimated Discharge Current
Engineering Data Controller/Change
Euro-Drive Clutches Inc.
Environmental Data Converter
Environmental Dynamics Complexity (DARPA)
Executive Director for Certification
Employee Dependent Care
Electronic Data Confirmation
Electric Distribution Center
Electron Devices Conference (IEEE)
Exploratory Development Committee
Échiquier des Collines (French chess club)