Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 15:59

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Search result from: ED




US Department of Education

Edit (IBM)

Every Day

Executive Director

Engineering Design

Engineering Department (US Army, circa 1900)

Economic Development

Environmental Design

Environmental Defense

Exposure Draft

Effective Date

Electronic Discovery (law)

Eating Disorder

Evil Dead (game)

Erectile Dysfunction

Eastern Division

Early Detection

Emily Dickinson

Edison (conglomerate of power companies)

Extra-Low Dispersion (glass)

Event Driven (simulation method)

Emotional Disturbance

Eminent Domain

Emotionally Disturbed

Enforcement Division

Early Death (oncology)

Early Dismissal

Effective Dose

Engineering Data

Emotional Disability

Enumeration District

Enforcement Directorate (India)

Electric Dipole (physics)

Early Decision

Entertainment District

European Delivery (cars)

Endocrine Disruptor

Equally Distributed

Eric Dickerson (ex-NFL player)

Engineering Development

Eternal Darkness (video game)

Exposure Duration

Encyclopedia Dramatica

École Doctorale (French: Graduate School)

Evolutionary Development

Evaluation Directive (US DoD)

Excise Duty

Edge Distance

External Device

Electron Diffraction

European Directive

En Dergelijke (Dutch: et cetera)


Emergency Dispatch

Enzymatic Digestion

Explosives Detection

Early Deployment

Employment Date

Electrical Discharge (metal machining process)


Ex Dividend

Engine Down (band)

Error Detecting

Equipment Description (Bell System)

Engineering Demonstration (Synthetic Theater of War program)

Ectodermal Dysplasias

Edge Detector

Extensor Digitorum

Erectile Difficulties

Envelope Delay (US DoD)

Epileptiform Discharge

Executive Directive

Explosive Diarrhea

Exploratory Development

Explosive Decompression (rapid expansion of gas in elastomeric seals)

Emotional Dysregulation

Expedited Data

Emergency Director

Ephemeris Data

Enhanced Damage (Diablo game)

Experiences and Directions (OWL workshop)

European Dialogue (human rights group; UK)

Estrutura de Dados

Ending Delimiter


Exempt From Duty

Enterprise Dynamics (decision support tool)

Energy Delay

Exit Distance (US DoD)

Edge Density

Exploitation and Development

Enforcement Droid (Robocop)


Erase Display

Excused from Duty

Emergency Decontamination

Euclidean Domain

Embarkation Depot

Error Density

Extra-High Density

Efficiency Decoration

Electronic Deception

Emergency Destruction

Encephalomyelitis disseminata (multiple sclerosis)

Euro Deli (Montreal, QB, Canada restaurant)

Electron Domain

Elbow-Disarticulation (amputation)

Electrical Differential

Electronic Detention (parole)

Eye-Protective Device

Exhaust Damper

Ear Diameter (corn)

Explosives Development

European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean

Enigma Designs

Experiment Driver

Electrostatic Death (band)

Embryonation Day

Engineer Directives (USACE)

Effective Date Unit Enters Federal Active Duty

Exotic Dancing/Dancer

Electronic Distancer

Electronics Lock Deck

Definitive Orbital Element

Evolutionary Distinctiveness (scoring system used by Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE))