Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:05

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ECT

Engine Coolant Temperature

Edge Crush Test

Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (Brazil)

Electro-Convulsive Therapy

Emission Control Technologies

Early Childhood Teacher

Electronics Technician

East Coast Trail

Engineering and Computer Technology (various organizations)

Educational Communication and Technology (various schools)

Experiencing Christ Together

E-Commerce Times

École de Commerce de Tahiti (French: Tahiti Business School)

Entreprise de Constructions Tubulaires (French: Tubular Construction Company; Luxembourg)

Elliptical Cross Trainer (health equipment)

European Computer Telecoms (Germany)

Explosive Car Tuning

Explicit Call Transfer

Emission Computed Tomography

Expedia Corporate Travel

Eddy Current Testing

ECN-Capable Transport (explicit congestion notification)

Energy Charter Treaty (UN)

Eastern Cape Technikon (University of Transkei; South Africa)

Ethyl Centralite (propellant)

Ectoin (molecular solvent)

Energy, Commodities and Transportation (financial sector)

Enterprise Class Teleworker (Cisco)

Electronic City (India)

European Credit Transfer

Electronic Control Transmission

East Coast Thunder (online racing league)

Économique et Commerciale Technologique (French: Economic and Commercial Technology)

European Central Time (time zone)

Évasion Club Thionvillois (French travel club)

Enteric Coated Tablet

Ecuador Time

Estimated Completion Time

Election Commission of Thailand

Error Correction Term

Extrait de Cellules Thymiques (French: Extract of Thymus Cells)

Explicit Congestion Notification-Capable Transport

Environmental Control Technology

Escalade Club de Tours (French climbing club)

Exercise Control Team

Espace Client Transport (French: Customer Area Transportation)

Embedded Computer Technology

École Chrétienne Timothée (French: Timothy Christian School; Switzerland)

Expectation-Confirmation Theory

Europe Container Terminus (Port of Rotterdam)

Eau Claire Transit (Wisconsin)

Echo Cancellation Technique

Entente Cycliste Tarasconnaise (French cycling club)

Electrode Conductivity Transmitter

Equivalent Chill Temperature

Enterprise Caching Technology

Environment Control Table

Emulsion Chamber Technology

Pan-European Clinical Trials

Extended Combat Training

East Chicago Transit

Environmental Compliance Team

Equipment Craft Terminal

Exchange Carrier Tandem

Centrotemporal Epilepsy

Evaporator Condensate Tank

Enlarged Cell Technique

Engineer Cad Technician

Electronic Clearing Terminal

Edinburgh Corporation Transport

Extended Coverage Team (various companies)

Engineer Center Team


Euro Creative Tours Ltd. (UK)

Exception Call Treatment

Explicit Context Tracking

Enterprise Complaint Tracking