Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:54

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ECM

Engine Control Module

Electronic Control Module

Essentials of Clinical Medicine (various schools)

Extracellular Matrix

Every Child Matters (UK)

Electronic Countermeasures

Educazione Continua in Medicina (Italy)

Error Correction Mode

Electronic Content Management

Electret Condenser Microphone

Engineering Conception Maintenance (Belgian engineering consulting firm)

Enterprise Compensation Management (software)

École de Commerce et de Management (French: School of Business and Management)

Elliptic Curve Method

École Centrale Marseille (French: Marseille Central School; Marseille, France)

Executive Committee Member (various organizations)

Engineering Construction Management (various locations)

Error Correction Model

European Congress of Mathematics

Electronically Commutated Motor

Engineering Change Management

Electro-Chemical Machining

Economic Capital Model

Electronic Counter Measure

Environmental Compliance Manager

Enterprise Client Management (software)

Early Childhood Music

Energy Conservation Measure

European Cities Monitor (survey)

Espace Culture Multimédia (French: Multimedia Espace Culture)

Energy Conservation Management

Episcopal City Mission (Massachusetts)

Equipment Condition Monitoring

Equity Capital Market

Enterprise Change Management

Emerging Capital Market

Every Child Ministries (Hebron, IN)

Erythema Chronicum Migrans

Email Content Management

energy-corrected milk

European Christian Mission (various nations)

Error Correction Mechanism (economics/trade)

Engine Condition Monitoring

Enhanced Case Management (various locations)

European Common Market

Enterprise Configuration Management

Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing

Existing Customer Management

Editions of Contemporary Music (Munich, Germany record company)

Entitlement Control Message (digital video)

Enterprise Commerce Management

École de Comédie Musicale de Paris (French: Paris Musical Comedy School; Paris, France)

Exceptional Case Marking (grammar syntax theory)

Ecole-Club Migros (Swiss health club)

Étude et Conception Mécanique (French engineering company)

Executive Career Management

Erosion Control Mat

Eric Carle Museum (Massachusetts)

East Central Minnesota

Entity Coordination Management (FDDI)

Exempt Commercial Market

Enterprise Compliance Management

Earth Covered Magazine (concrete structure used to store ammuntion)

Enterprise Composite Model (Cisco)

Employment Case Manager (various organizations)

Electro Cell Manipulator

Electric Cipher Machine (US Navy)

Enseignement Catholique Meldois (French: Meldois Catholic Education; Meaux, France)

Engineering, Construction and Maintenance

Endpoint Congestion Management (IETF)

Earliest Childhood Memory (psychology)

Emap Consumer Media (UK)

Executive Client Management (various companies)

École de Combat Médiéval (French: Medieval Combat School)

Electronics Contract Manufacturer

Engineering Coordination Memo

Early Childhood Ministries (Coral Springs, FL)

Engineering Coordination Memorandum

Early Christian Monument

Épidémiologie Clinique et Médecine (French: Clinical Epidemiology and Medicine)

Error Covariance Matrix

Ecumenical Christian Ministry (Kansas)

Entry Clearance Manager (UK immigration)

Euro Carreaux Matériaux (French tile company)

Enterprise Component Modeling (Platinum Technology)

Enterprise Channel Management

École de Conduite Manzoni (French driving school)

Expander Connection Manager (SAS)

Electronic Cigarettes Mart

Espace Cadres Marseille (French retirement association)

Endothelial Cell Multimerin

Emergency Changeover Message (CCS #7/ITU-T)

Equivalent Current Method

Environmental Cooling Module

Exam Content Manual

Electronic Commerce Manager

Electronic Component Manufacturer

Expendable Crew Member (science fiction character)

Electro-Chemical Migration (blooming and dendrite growth in PCAs due to electro-chemical reaction)

Everyplace Connection Manager (IBM)

Evaluation Capability Module

Estonian Centre on Medicines

Error Checking Mode (fax)

Eggwhite Cervical Mucus (fertility charting)

Extensible Call Model (Cisco)

Engineering Change Modification

Engine Cranking Mode


Echo Canceler Method

Enterprise Control Manager (software change management application tool for AMC GDSS II)

Executive Control Message

Ends Center Matched

Enhanced Communications Manager

École de Charité et de Mission de Marseille (French: Marseille Charity and Mission School; Marseille, France)

Exponential Correlation Model

Exposure Control Monitor

Eddy Current Monitoring (nuclear power)