Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:58

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Search result from: ECA

Economic Commission for Africa (UN)

Europe and Central Asia

Educational and Cultural Affairs

Estatuto da Criança E do Adolescente (Brazilian: Child and Adolescent Statute)

Electrical Contractors Association (Ireland)

Entertainment Consumers Association (Wilton, CT, USA)


Export Credit Agency

Electronic Communications Act (South Africa)

Epidemiologic Catchment Area

Evangel Christian Academy (various locations)

Enhanced Capital Allowance

Embodied Conversational Agent

Economic Commission for Latin America

Express Check Advance (various locations)

Early Childhood Assistant

European Cockpit Association

Expertise Comptable et Audit (French: Chartered Accounting and Audit)

Emission Control Area (international maritime organization)

Environmental Cooperation Agreement (various nations)

European Court of Auditors

Ethical Clothing Australia

Energia Costa Azul (natural gas terminal: US and Mexico)

Embedded and Communications Alliance (Intel)

Economic Cooperation Administration

European Circus Association (various locations)

Enseignement Catholique Actualités (French: Catholic Education News)

Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin

Enterobacterial Common Antigen

Eastern and Central Africa

Elder Care Alliance (Alameda, CA)

Electoral Commission Act (various locations)

Européenne de Courtage d'Assurances (French: European Insurance Brokerage)

Ethics in the Computer Age

Essarts Club Archerie (French archery club)

Entrepreneuriat Campus Aquitaine (French: Campus Entrepreneurship Aquitaine; University of Bordeaux, France)

Extra-Curricular Activity

Ecological Society of America

European Cooperation for Accreditation

École de Conduite Automobile (French driving school)

École Catholique d'Apprentissage (French: Catholic School of Learning)

Employee Collective Agreement (various businesses)

Emergency Care Attendant (Texas EMS certification level)

Epithelial Cell Abnormality

Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)

Event Correlation and Analysis

External Certification Authority

Electronic Commerce Association (United Kingdom)

Economic Cooperation Agreement

European Canoe Association

Employment Conditions Abroad

Escuela Campo Alegre

Electoral Council of Australia

École de Conduite d'Aquitaine (French: Driving School in Aquitaine; Bordeaux, France)

Electrical Contractor's Association (United Kingdom)

Enforceable Consent Agreement

Extension Community Association (North Carolina)

Entreprise de Construction Artisanale (French: Artisan Construction Company)

Electrically Conductive Adhesive

Earth-Crossing Asteroids

Enterprise Computing Architecture

European Cocoa Association

Essentially Contested America (est. 2006)

Energy Conversion Agreement

European Chemical Agency

Eager Compensating Algorithm (data warehouse synchronization)

Early Childhood Administration (degree program)

Électricité Concept Aquitain (French: Electricity Concept Aquitaine; Bordeaux, France)

Entity Currency Adjustment (accounting)

Étude Conseil Action (French: Study Action Council)

Economic Community for Africa

Elemental Computing Array (computer platform)

Environnement et Chimie Appliquée (French: Environment and Applied Chemistry; water treatment)

Enterprise Communications Application (software)

Equivalent Clearcut Area (forest industry)

Environmental Compliance Assessment

Episcopal Church in Almaden (San Jose, CA)

Engineering Capability Assessment

English Clergy Association (UK)

Environnement Commerce Automobile (French: Automotive Business Environment)

Eastern Contractors Association

Equal-Size Cluster Approach

Edgewood Chemical Activity (US Army; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland)

Études Conseils Ascenseurs (French inspection company)

Edmonton Construction Association

Electronics Control Assembly

Eddy-Current Absorber (microwave theory)

Electric Car Association

Early Comparability Analysis

Emergency Changeover Acknowledgement Signal (CCS #7 & ITU-T)

Electronic Components, Assemblies, Equipment and Supplies Association

Engineering Change Analysis

Electronic Control Amplifier

Earth Central Angle

Electronic Component Assembly

Exchange Carrier Association

European Cartoon Animation (animation association; France; est. 2005)

Epilepsy, Childhood Absence

Engineering Criticality Assessment

Elliptic Curve Factoring Algorithm (cryptography)

Engine Control Amplifier

Engineering Change Authorization

Emergency Controlling Authority

Eastern Cashmere Association (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)

ESCON Channel Adapter (Cisco)

Equipment Condition Analysis

Earth Coverage Antenna

Early Compatibility Analysis

Enregistrements à la Carte pour les Aveugles (French audio recording organization)

Employment Counsellor's Assistant

Electronic Cutover Advice (number portability in Australia)

Enemy Capability Assessment

Embroidery Council of America

Ephedra, Caffeine and Acetylsalicylic Acid

Exponentially Correlated Acceleration

Examination, Certification and Analysis (performed during IQT)

Environmentally controlled Air

European Communications Area

Evaluative & Corrective Action (US Army)

Ensayos Clinicos Aleatoreos (Spanish)

Entertainment Coaches of America Inc.

Earth Coverage Area

Electronic Clutch Actuator

Electrical Component Assembly

Exploration Consulting Associates, Ltd

Extended Central Area

Expected Cost of Attendance (college)