Today, Tuesday، 11 Mar 2025 - 05:59

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: DTD

Document Type Definition (markup languages)

Document Type Declaration (markup languages)


Door to Door


Downtown Disney

Data Type Definition (XML file validation)

Day to Day

Desktop Tower Defense (gaming)

Dusk Till Dawn

Delta Tau Delta (fraternity)

Developmental Trauma Disorder

Dëschtennis Diddeleng (Luxembourg table tennis)

Direct to Disk (audio recording mode)

Detailed Technical Design (various meanings)

Document Type Description

Définition de Type de Document (French: Document Type Definition)

diastrophic dysplasia

Door to Darkness (gaming)

Dust to Dust (band)

Deep Throat Diva (novel)

Digital Terrain Data

Digital Topographic Data

Directorate of Technical Development (U.k)

Do The Deed

Developmental Testing Directorate (North American Rescue; Greer, SC)

Do the Dew

Do the Dance

Dumber Than Dirt

Detailed Troop Decontamination

Damage Tolerant Design

Domicile to Duty (US Army)

Digitally Transmitted Disease (computer virus)

Dynamic Type Detection

Decision Technologies Division

Differential Trellis Decoding

Data Transfer/Transport Device

Developmental Test Director

Dynamic Timeliness-Density

Director of Training Development

Directorate of Training Developments

Developer's Tape Delivery

Drunk 'til Death

Division of Training and Dissemination (US Department of Education)

Dimensión Telediastólica (Spanish: End-Diastolic Dimension)