Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 21:09

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: DT




Donald Trump

Defensive Tackle (football)


Difference in Time



Data Type

Distrito Federal (Federal District of Brazil)

Delay Time

Drug Therapy

Design Technology

Deep Throat

Detroit Tigers

Dorchester (postcode, United Kingdom)

Division of Training


Driver Training


Double Team (gaming)

Double Trouble

Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony)

Dream Theater (band)

Digital Thermometer (various companies)

Double Tap (weapons)

Deutsche Telekom

David Tennant (actor)

Documentation and Training

Destructive Testing

Data Terminal

Dirt Track (Yamaha)

Dew Point Temperature

Digital Television (used in TV callsign)

Dolan Twins (clothing brand)

Direct TV

Dynasty Tactics (video game)

Detention (school)

Dinner Time

Double Time (on overtime forms)

Data Transmission

double take

Display Technology

Diphtheria-Tetanus (vaccination)

Drunk Tank

Dark Tower (book series)

Dual Tone

Duct Tape

Decision Tree

Double-Throw (switch)


Dial Tone

dog trainer

Dragon Tales (TV show)

Daemon Tools

Dance Team

Direct Transmission

Double Top (trading Markets; stocks, bonds, commodities)


Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)

Devil Trigger (gaming, Devil May Cry)

Director Técnico (soccer coach)

Dead Time

Discus Throw

Disruptive Technologies

Digital Terminal

Doing Time

Displacement Transducer

Drive Tire

Distance Transform

Doubting Thomas

Differential Transformer

Drunken Tiger (band)

Display Terminal

Double Torsion

Detention Time

Delirium Tremens

Delaunay Triangulation

Development Type

Detection Time

Drug Tariff

Decay Time

Difference Threshold

Dark Tranquillity (band)

Domain Theory

Double Transfer (philately)

Dietetic Technician

Distribution Terminal

Directional Transmission

Drive Tube

Dwell Time

Dragon Tails (webcomic)

Dark Templar (Starcraft gaming organization)

Darktide (gaming, Asheron's Call)

Developmental Training

Developmental Therapist (various organizations)

Detection Threshold

Data Track

Day Tripper (Beatles song)

Double Tagging (LAN Switching)

Dark Tournament (Yu Yu Hakusho, gaming)

Death Trap (gaming)

Displaced Threshold

Dunk Tank

Deep Trench (bipolar junction transistors)

David Tao (Chinese singer)

Dynamic Tracking

Dark Throne

Dragontown (music album)

Ducktales (cartoon)

Demonstration Test

Diagnosis Tree

Design Transfer

Decision Technology (choices)

Dialog Telekom PLC (Sri Lanka)

TAAG - Linhas Aereas de Angola (IATA airline code)

Decreasing Term (insurance)

Drag Turn (marching band)

Dr. Thunder (band)

Death Touch (gaming clan)

Dynamic Targeting

Delivery Ticket


Detailed Tasks

Deduction Theorem

Declaration of Taking (property)

Deseret Towers (BYU student housing)

Design Tolerance

Demonic Tutor (gaming, Magic the Gathering)

Draco Trilogy (fanfiction)

Dynamic Tear/Test

Dick Togs

Doctor Theologiae (Latin: Doctor of Divinity, Codices and Manuscripts)

Dangerous Truths (fanfiction, novel by Anne Walsh)

Design Trainee

Dark Tavern (web forum)

Dedham Times (Dedham, Massachusetts)

Deletion Threshold

Deployment Transaction

Development Test/ing

Directly Tunable

Development/al Test/ing

Dharga Town (Sri Lanka)

Degrees Twaddle (measurement of brine density)

Decision-Related Tracker

Dedit Testamento (Latin: He/She Left Through Will, epigraphy)

Disability Taskforce (Australian Computer Society)

Day/Daytime Television

(USN Rating) Dental Technician

Dynamic Truths (band)

Directorate for MASINT(Measurement and Signature Intelligence) and Technical Collection (US DoD; Defense Intelligence Agency)

Dharma Tech (Salt Lake City, UT)