Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 07:22

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Search result from: DIP



Day in Pictures

Debtor In Possession

Department of Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland, Australia)

Département de l'Instruction Publique (French: Department of Public Instruction; Switzerland)

Digital Image Processing

Department of Industrial Promotion (Thailand)

Debt Issuance Programme (various locations)

Distal Interphalangeal (medical)

Ductile Iron Pipe

Database of Interacting Proteins


Data Integration Project (various organizations)

Directory Integration Platform (Oracle)

Dependency Inversion Principle

Document Image Processing

Document d'Information Précontractuelle (French: Pre-Contractual information Document)

Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia

Drunk in Public

Dissemination Information Package

Detailed Implementation Plan

Disability Income Plan (various locations)

Driver Improvement Program

Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus

Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services

Day Intensive Program (New York, NY)

Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism

Degradable Intake Protein (animal science)

Difference In Pay

Drugs Intervention Programme (UK)

Defence Industrial Policy (UK)

Diagnostic Imaging Program (biomedicine)

Die in Place (slang for order to hold ground even if attacked by overwhelming force)

Dividend Investment Plan

Dirección de Incidencia Pública (Spanish: Department of Public Advocacy; Guatemala)

Dolphin Interaction Program (various organizations)

Digital Inclusion Project

Dual Inline Pin

Ducrocq Ingénierie Process (French: Ducrocq Engineering Process)

Distal Interphalangeal Predominant (arthritis)

Discover Intensive Phonics

Dominant Interferer Proportion

Distributed Immersive Performance (musical collaboration)

DIACAP Implementation Plan

Director, International Programs

Développement Informatique Progiciels (French: Software Development Package)

Dubai Investments Park Development Company (also seen as DIPDC; Dubai, United Arab Emirates)


Déménagements Industriels et Privés (French: Industrial and Private Removals)

Development in Process

Dial-up Internet Protocol

Digital Intellectual Property

Departamento de Información Pública de las Naciones Unidas (Spanish)

Diari personal interactiu (Catalan Interactive personal newspaper)

Diagonal Interleaved Parity

Display Information Processor

Defense Imagery Program

Dedicated Inside Plant (telecommunications)

Decision in Principal

Direct Industrial Participation (offset term for industrial cooperation linked to the defence industry)

Destination Internet Protocol

Design Internal Pressure

Data Integrity Program

Dual In-Line Packet (switch)

Defense Intelligence Plan

Drive Image Professional

Doily In Progress

Data Interface Processor

Drivers Instrument Panel

División de Investigación Policial

Digital Instrumentation Programmer

Disease Ignorance Poverty

Drive Impedance Phase

Dealer Incentive Package

Direct Indictment Program

Deutsches Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung eV (German Institute for Applied Nursing Research)

District Incident Plot