Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 14:02

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: DEP

Data Execution Prevention (computer security)

Department of Environmental Protection

Deployed (US DoD)







Diplôme d'Etudes Professionnelles (French: Professional Studies Diploma)

Dipartimento di Economia Politica (Italian: Department of Economic Policy)

Dillinger Escape Plan (band)

Development and Emergency Practice (degree; UK)

Development Education Project

Division de l'Enseignement Privé (French: Division of Private Education)

Division des Établissements Privés (French: Private Institutions Division)

Disease Education Program (various organizations)

Delta Epsilon Phi (German student honor society)

Diethyl Phthalate


Donor Egg Program (fertility)

Descanse En Paz (Spanish: Rest in Peace)

Direction de l'Education Permanente (French: Department of Further Education; est. 1974)

Draka Elevator Products

Diagnostic Environnement Prévention (French: Environment Prevention Diagnostics)

Dimanche de l'Eglise Persécutée (French: Sunday of the Persecuted Church)

Débit Expiratoire de Pointe (French: peak expiratory flow)

Design Eye Position (human-machine user interface)

Distributed Engineering Plant

Depth-Of-Field Exposure Program (Canon)

Disability Education Program (Australia)

Displaced Employee Program

Desert Eagle Pistol

Data Entry Panel

Disability Equality Partnership (UK)

Design and Engineering Practice

Distal Embolic Protection (cardiology)

Disney's Electrical Parade

Droit de l'Environnement dans la Pratique (French)

Designated Export Point (shipping)

Development Education Programme

Deaf Empowerment Program

Deflection Error Probable

Data Encryption Peripheral

Draft Equipment Publication

Defense Enterprise Program

Data Encryption Processor

Delayed Enlistment/Entry Program (US DoD)

Domestic Emergency Preparedness (FEMA)

Degressive Error Protection (algorithm)

Directory Enabled Provisioning

Distributed Engineering Plan

Division des Etudes et de la Prospective (French: Division of Studies and Forecasting)

Document Enterprise Platform

Dual Element Pump

Digital Envelope Pre-Distorter (microwave theory)

Design External Pressure

Development and Environmental Project (Tanzania)

Descending Evoked Potential (neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring)