Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 13:15

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: DDP

Disney Dining Plan (Walt Disney World)

Delivered Duty Paid (shipping)

Datagram Delivery Protocol

Delivered Duty Paid (international commercial term)

Diamond Dallas Page (pro-wrestler)

Deutscher Depeschendienst

Desert Development Programme (India)

Debian Documentation Project

Differential Dynamic Programming (algorithm)

Dual Degree Program (various schools)

Doplnkové Dôchodkové Poistenie (Slovak: Supplementary Pension Insurance)

Dynamic Drive Pool (computing)

Deutsche Demokratische Partei (German Democratic Party)

Double Degree Program (various schools)

Disc Description Protocol

Distributed Data Processing

Diploma Development Partnership (UK)

District Development Plan

Dublin Death Patrol (thrash band)

Diet Dr. Pepper (soft drink)


Department of Defense Production (India)

Detailed Deployment Plan (US DoD)

Différence de Potentiel

Differenza Di Potenziale (physics, Italian)

Dealer Direct Participant

Dodonpachi (video game)

Dartmouth Dante Project (Dartmouth College; Hanover, NH)

Declaration of Design and Performance

Dominicans Don't Play (gang)

Defect Detection and Prevention

Delta Dental Plan (military)

Deep Down Productions (underwater videography)

Design and Drawing for Production

Directorate of Plans (now the Directorate of Operations)

Defensive Driving Program (various locations)

Defect Detection Percentage (number defects found by testing divided by total know defects)

Dum Dum Project (music project)

Data-Derived Product

Doki Doki Panic (video game)

Deputy Director of Plans (US CIA)

Downtown Denver Partnership, Inc. (Colorado)

Development Data Platform (World Bank Development Data Group)

Digital Data Processing

Developmental Disability Program

Decentralized Dance Party

Dynamic Document Package (software)

Délégation au Développement du Pentagone (French: Pentagon Delegation for Development; Belgium)

Due-Date Performance

Dynamic Datacorp People (Canada)

Deafness-Dystonia-Optic Atrophy Syndrome

Deeply Discounted Print (publishing subscription)

Dynamic Driver Provisioning (Microsoft)

Director of Defense Procurement

Draft Development Plan

Drug Design Program

Didecyl Phthalate

Diego de Pietri (musician)

Dependent Dental Plan

Dragon Dagger Poison (online game Runescape)

Dictionary Development Process (software; Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc.)

Defense Diversification Program

Delay Differentiation Parameter

Default Display Protocol

Deliverable Data Package

Diamond Diva Princess

Design Development Plan

Demand Development Period

Daughters of Divine Providence

Direct Deposit Processing

Distribution Drop Point

Digital Doppler Processor

Database Descriptor Packet

Deflect and Drop Policy (IEEE)

Drawing & Design for Production

Data Distribution Program

Daily Delinquency Penalty (IRS)

Darn Double Post

Discover-Driven Planning

Design Data Package

Design Development Package

Discrete Display Panel

Directed Difference Packing

Deck Design Procedure

Detailed Demonstration Plan

District Delegate Program