Today, Tuesday، 11 Mar 2025 - 02:23

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CVS

Concurrent Versions System (open source software)

Computer Vision Syndrome

Convenience Store (financial reporting)

Charlottesville (Amtrak station code; Charlottesville, VA)

Chorionic Villus Sampling (pre-natal test)

Capcom vs. SNK (video game)

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Conseil de la Vie Sociale (French: Council of Social Life)

Cardiovascular System

Cerebral Vasospasm

Comma-Separated Values

Seaplane Carrier (US Navy)

Cornet Vincent Segurel (French law firm)

Coves (street suffix)

Chippewa Valley Schools (Michigan)

Credential Verification Service (various organizations)

Coefficient de Variations Saisonnières (French: Coefficient of Seasonal Variation)

Certified Value Specialist

Constant Volume Sampler

Constant Volume Sampling

Crime Victim Survey (various organizations)

Councils for Voluntary Services

Campus Virtuel Suisse (French: Swiss Virtual Campus)

[not an acronym] (formerly Consumer Value Stores; pharmacy)

Code Versioning System

Computerized Voting System

Compliance Verification System (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)

Career Values Scale (work beliefs assessment)

Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping (electrochemical analysis)

Contractor Verification System (US DoD)

Cultivated Varieties (botany)

Clearance Verification System

Comunicazione Valutaria Statistica (currency report for statistical purposes)

Commercial Vehicle Show (UK)

Coordinated Voltage Scaling (computing)

Carrier Suitability

Combat Vehicle System

Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry

Compressed Voice System (RAD)

Community Violence Solutions

Chrome Vanadium Steel

Champagnes et Vins Service (French: Champagne and Wine Service)

ASW Aircraft Carrier

Commercial Vehicle Systems, LLC

College of Veterinary Science

Commercial Vendor Services

Client Volg Systeem

Chicago Vocational School (now Chicago Vocational Career Academy)

Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier

Charles Villiers Stanford (composer, conductor)

Commercial Vessel Safety

Combined Verification Section

Constant Voltage Source

Chinese Vacuum Society

Cargo Visibility System

Calgary Vegetarian Society (Alberta, Canada)

Czech Vexillological Society

Coronavirus 229e Susceptibility

Customer Value Store

Controlled Vocabulary System

Ceská Vakuová Spolecnost (Czech Vacuum Society)

Centri Volontari della Sofferenza (International Confederation of the Volunteers of Suffering Centers)

Centrum Pro Védská Studia (The Centre for Vedic Studies, Prague, Czech Republic)

CompuVision Systems, Inc.

Clovis Cannon AFB, New Mexico, United States (airport code)

Center for Visiting Scholars

Chief Value Synthetic (fabric)

Closed User Group Validation and Selection Request (ITU-T)

Coding Violation - Section

Customers Value System

Cycle Verification System (Sprint)