Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:58

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CTO

Chief Technology Officer (corporate title)

Chief Technical Officer (corporate title)

Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Caribbean Tourism Organization

Cut Off (call centers)

Consent to Operate (India)

City of Thousand Oaks (California)

Check This Out (chat)

Chronic Total Occlusion

Coal-to-Olefins (process)

Cape Town Opera (Cape Town, South Africa)

Cancelled to Order (cancellation postmark)

Community Treatment Order (psychiatric term for forced drugging outside hospital context)

Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (UK)

Commercial Travel Office (Defense Finance and Accounting Service)

Compensatory Time Off

Central Ticket Office

Connection Timed Out

Configured To Order

Composés Traces Organiques (French: Trace Organic Contaminants)

Combined Transport Operator

Colorado Tourism Office

Corporate Technology Operations (various companies)

Club de Tir de l'Ouest (French: West Shooting Club)

Compte Titre Ordinaire (French: Ordinary Account Title)

City Ticket Office

Corporate Travel Online (various companies)

Control Tower Operator

Central Telegraph Office

Color Temperature Orange (photography)

Certificate to Operate

Certificate to Operate (USAF system certification)

Computer Tasking Order

Cells Tissues Organs

Centre de Transformation Optimisé (French: Optimized Processing Center)

Consumer-Technical Insights

Centre for Terrestrial Ecology (Heteren, Gelderland, The Netherlands)

Cancel To Order (stamp collecting)

Customized to Order

Communications Tasking Order (US Air Force)

Container Terminal Operator

Cervical-Thoracic Orthosis

Chief Transport Officer

Contract Travel Office

Compagnie Téléphonique de l'Ouest (French: Telephone Company of the West)

Certified Television Operator (Society of Broadcast Engineers)

Chief Telecommunications Officer

Contrôles Techniques de l'Omois (French engineering company)

Combined Test Organization (US Army)

Cost Take Out

Clinical Technology Organisation

Cadet Training Officer

Conventional Takeoff

Commercial Taxes Officer (India)

Commander Task Unit

Commercial Transportation Office

Central Texas Opportunities (USA)

Crack Tip Opening

Corrections Training Officer (law enforcement)

Color, Taste and Odor (water purification)

Contract Tracking and Oversight

Controlled Transient Oscillation

Consejo Técnico Operativo

Cognizant Transportation Office

Certified Tradeable Offset

Contribution Towards Overhead

Campus Teaching Observatory (University of Florida)

Campus Technology Operations (Sprint)

(USN Rating) Cryptologic Technician (Communications)

Cadet Third Officer

Consolidated Tasking Order

Control Technology Office

Cut-Through Operation

Counter-Terrorist Operative (gaming)

Concurrent Test and Operations (Army)

Controller Training Outline

Continental Test Organization

Commander's Training Objective (US Army)

Change Task Order

Clerical Training Officer

Continental Trade Organisation (Belgium)

Confocal/TEM Overlay


Concentration of Total Oxygen (also seen as ctO2)