Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:30

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CTE

Career and Technical Education

Center for Teaching Excellence

Career Technology Education

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Codigo Tecnico de la Edificacion (Spanish: Technical Building Code)

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (degenerative disease)

Comité Technique d'Etablissement (French: Technical Establishment Committee)

Centre for Teaching Excellence (Canada)

Center for Transportation and the Environment

Churches Together in England

Center to Edge (billiards)

Common Table Expression (ANSI SQL-99 standard)

Content Transfer Encoding

Committee on Trade and Environment (WTO)

Central Expressway (Singapore)

Cambridge Technology Enterprises


Corporate Training and Education

Charge Transfer Efficiency

Contrat Territorial D'exploitation (France)

Cutting Tool Engineering

Commitment To Excellence

Center for Teaching Effectiveness

Contrôle Technique Européen (French: European Technical Control)

Cease to Exist (blog)

Centre Tourisme Équestre (French: Equestrian Tourism Center)

Centre de Technologie de l'Education (Luxembourg)

Constitutive Transport Element

Comunidad Teológica Evangélica de Chile (Spanish: Evangelical Theological Community of Chile)

Council on Teacher Education

Compagnons de Travaux Électriques (French: Companions of Electrical Works)

Centre Transfrontalier des Entreprises (French: Cross-Border Business Center)

Culminating Training Event (US Army)

Conditional Tail Expectation

Club Travail d'Equipe (French: Teamwork Club)

Center for Technology, Essex (Essex Junction, VT)

Countdown to Extinction (Megadeth album)

Content Transformation Engine (Cisco)

Continuing Technical Education

Classical Text Editor

Caterpillar Technical English

Comp Time Earned

Carnegie Technology Education

Cartilage Tissue Engineering

Chief Technical Examiner (India)

Centre for Terrestrial Ecology

Computer Telephony Engineer (certification for the computer telephony industry)

Critical Technology Element

Communications Test Equipment

Computer Telephony Expo (conference)

Connected Telecommunications Equipment

Corporate Thugs Entertainment (record label)

Commander, Task Element

Central Tax Engine (Hewlett-Packard)

Children of the Earth (Michael Jackson fan club, Italy)

Center for Teaching Enhancement

Coal Tar Enamel

Cornell Teacher Education

Centrum För Tillämpad Etik (Sweden)

Certified Tree Expert (New Jersey)

Cross Track Error (navigation)

Chubu Toshiba Engineering (Japan)

Channel Translating Equipment (ITU-T)

Computed Tomography Enterography

Chief Technology Evangelist

Consolidated Turf Equipment (Canada)

Cardio Tech International

Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc.

Conference Technology Enhancements (Elk Grove Village, IL)

Central Timing Equipment (NASA)

Customer Termination Equipment (frame relay networks)

Campaign for Truth in Europe

Connected Terminal Equipment

Chief Test Engineer

Center for Test and Evaluation

Commercial Test Equipment

Certified Technical Expert

Conservatory Theater Ensemble

Component Test Equipment

Common Test Executive

Crew Training Emulator (US Air Force)

Contractor Test & Evaluation

Color Transform Engine

Chief Technical Engineer

Cardholder to External System

Custom Training Education (Maricopa Community Colleges; Tempe, AZ)

Code-Timing Estimation

Common Transporter Erector

Compliance Testing and Evaluation (usually seen as CT&E)

California Track and Engineering (Fresno, CA)

Contractor Technical Evaluation

Contingent Time Element (property insurance)

Corporate Technical Excellence

Client Technology and Engineering

Continuous Time Equivalent

Connected Thinking for Excellence (PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd.)

Center for Timber Engineering (UK)

Centre of Timber Expertise