Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 13:05

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CSI

Crime Scene Investigation (CBS TV show)

Construction Specifications Institute

Crime Scene Investigator

Channel State Information

California Solar Initiative

College of Staten Island (City University of New York)

Commodity Systems Inc. (Boca Raton, FL)

Commodity Systems, Inc.

Christian Schools International

Computer Security Institute

Chi Sigma Iota

Container Security Initiative (US Customs Service)

Container Security Initiative (US Department of Homeland Security)

Centro Sportivo Italiano (Italian Sports Centre)

Central States Indemnity (Omaha, NE)

Consumer Source, Inc. (Virginia)

Customer Satisfaction Index

Computer Society of India

Continual Service Improvement (ITIL)

Christian Solidarity International

Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (French: City of Sciences and Industry)

Combat Studies Institute

Cigar Store Indian (advertisement figure)

Construction Services, Inc. (various locations)

Creative Specialties International

Center for the Study of Intelligence (US CIA)

Central Sindical Independiente (Spanish: Independent Trade Union)

Confédération Syndicale Internationale (French: International Trade Union Confederation)

Communications Systems, Inc. (various locations)

Camera Serial Interface (Mobile Industry Processor Interface Alliance)

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (St. Paul, MN)

Customer Service Improvement (various organizations)

Civil Society Institute (Newton Centre, Massachusetts)

Centre for Social Impact (Australia)

Church of Scientology International (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Computer Services Inc.

Confederación Sindical Internacional (Spanish)

Centro Servizi Immobiliari (Italian: Real Estate Service Center)

Computer Solutions, Inc. (various locations)

Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (Amherst, NY)

Communications Systems International (various locations)

Centre Social Intercommunal (French: Intercommunal Social Center)

Continuous School Improvement (various organizations)

Computer Services Industry (IBM)

Can't Say It

Church of South India

Container Storage Interface (cloud computing)

Consumer Sentiment Index

Code Sequence Identification (Lavasoft)

Credit Suisse International (various locations)

Control Sequence Introducer

Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc.

Chemical Shift Imaging (multi-voxel spectroscopy method used in magnetic resonance spectroscopy)

Containment Solutions, Inc. (est. 1965)

Cholesterol Saturation Index

Customer Service Index

Congregation Sons of Israel (New York)

Canadian Securities Institute

Cité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon (French school; Lyon, France)

Chipset Software Installation (Intel)

Community Service Initiative (various locations)

Coalition of Service Industries

Campbell Scientific, Inc. (Logan, Utah, USA)

Center for Support of Instruction (University of Maryland University College)

Consortium for Service Innovation

Cetacean Society International

Common Sense Initiative

Chung Shan Institute (US and Taiwan)

Center for Social Inclusion

Compliance Services International (est. 1988; Lakewood, WA)

Coronary Stent Implantation (cardiology)

Customer Service Initiative (various locations)

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones (Spanish)

Cyber Safety Initiative (various locations)

Client and Service Information (various organizations)

Criticare Systems, Inc (Waukesha, WI)

Catalytic Solutions, Inc. (various locations)

Common System Interface (Intel processor interconnect standard)

Center for Social Innovation (US and Canada)

Current Source Inverter (type of variable speed controller for AC motors)

Caspian Services, Inc. (various organizations)

Curriculum and Social Inquiry (university program)

Case-Shiller Index (real estate industry)

Customer Service Interface (various companies)

Compliance Solutions, Inc. (various locations)

Congregation Shearith Israel (Dallas, TX)

Customer Services International

Crime Stoppers International

Computer Systems Integration

Commercial Software, Inc. (Midland, MI)

Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti (Italian alternative music band)

Critical Safety Item

Center for School Improvement

Coral Sea Islands

Client Server Infrastructure (computing)

Cyber Science Infrastructure (Japan)

Chair of Corporate Strategy and Innovation (Switzerland)

College Student Insurance

Computers and Structures, Inc.

Consumer Safety Inspector

Customer Support Identifier (Oracle)

Campus Student Involvement (various schools)

Chemical Shift Index

Civil Society International

Crime Stoppers, Inc. (various locations)

Canadian Society for Immunology

Customer Support International (various locations)

Contemporary Services, Inc. (Chicago, IL)

Common Service Interface (security; EU)

Critter Scene Investigation

Conseils et Services Immobiliers (French: Consulting and Real Estate Services)

Commodity Services, Inc. (various locations)

Confidential Supervisory Information (financial regulations)

Credential Securities, Inc. (Canada)

California Steel Industries, Inc.

Can't Spell It

Complete Safety Institute (Fairview Heights, IL)

Conditional Symmetric Instability

Critical Success Index

Cardiological Society of India

CompuServe, Inc.

Commercial Satellite Imagery

Contaminant Source Inventory (various organizations)

Chemical Safety International (Chemical Safety Corporation)

Called Subscriber Identification (ITU-T Rec T30)

Cyber Security Integrators

Carrefour de Solidarité Internationale (French: Crossroads of International Solidarity; Canada)

Critical Sustainability Item (US DoD)

Cast Stone Institute (Winder, GA)

Collaborative Software Initiative (Portland, OR)

Caregiver Strain Index

Centre de Santé Intégré (French)

Charter Schools Institute

Computers & Structures, Inc

Computers & Structures, Inc.

Crash Scene Investigation

Cryptologie et Sécurité Informatique (French: Cryptology and Information Security)

Courtroom Sciences, Inc.

Colegio San Ignacio (Spanish)

Collision Safety Institute

Concours de Saut International

Cheyenne Software, Inc. (Delaware)

Con-Serv Industries, Inc. (waste disposal; Sterling, VA)

Child Soldiers Initiative (Canada)

Customer Service Issue

Cold Start Injector (automotive)


Corinthian Schools, Inc.

Claim Status Inquiry (Medicare billing tool)

ChildSafe International

Compressor Systems, Inc. (Midland, Texas)

Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (Mumbai, India)

Conditional Sentence of Imprisonment (Canada)

Cyclooxygenase-2-Specific Inhibitor (drug)

Concept Systems, Inc.

Customer Satisfaction Initiative

Child Symptom Inventory (medicine)

Corporate Strategies, Inc.

Composites pour le Sanitaire et l'Industrie (French: Composites for Health and Industry)

Computer Standards and Interfaces (journal)

Command Sequence Introducer (VT100 terminal code sequence equal to ESC)

Canadian Sugar Institute

Czech Standards Institute (Czech Republic)

Communication Sciences Institute

Compliance Sampling Inspection

Conference Systems, Inc.

Customer Service Inquiry

Creative Sensor Inc. (Taiwan)

Centro Sistemi Informativi (Swiss governmental IT center)

Creation Studies Institute (Fort Lauderdale, FL; est. 1988)

CAMEL Subscription Information

City Seats Initiative (UK)

Certified Satellite Installer

Curry Sales, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN; est. 1981)

Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Combat System Integration

Corporate Strategies International (Atlanta, GA)

Codeset Independence

Cyberspace Systems Integrator (US Air Force)

Consultant and Systems Integrator (Novell)

Contrast Source-Inversion

Consumers Socially Integrated (Iowa)

Community of Independent States

Client Server Interface

Compact Source Iodide

Corporate Social Involvement

Chicago Systemic Initiative

Can't Stand Idiots

Componenti e Sistemi per Impianti (Associazione; Italian)

Controls/Structures Interaction

Crowbar Swinging Idiots

Customer Support Identification

Convergence Sublayer Indicator

Commission on Systemic Interoperability (est. 2005)

Computer & Structures, Inc. (Berkeley, California)

CPU Support Identification (Oracle Support Services)

Command String Interpreter

Canadian Society of Immigration

Cougaar Software, Inc.

Centre for Sociology of Innovation

Chemical Substances Inventory