Today, Sunday، 22 Dec 2024 - 19:05

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CPM

Chronic Pain Management

Cost Per Thousand (impressions)

Certified Property Manager

Corporate Performance Management

Continuous Passive Motion (orthopedics treatment modality)

Critical Path Method

Crisis Prevention and Management (Vermont)

Codigo Penal Militar (Portuguese: Military Penal Code; Brazil)

Combinatorial Pattern Matching

Certified Public Manager (US)

Component Parts and Materials (committees)

Center for Preventive Medicine (various locations)

Center for Performance Measurement (various organizations)

Counts Per Minute

Commercial Property Manager

Copies Per Minute

Crop Production Management (North Dakota)

Cost Per Mille

Certified Professional Midwife

College Preparatory Mathematics

Construction Project Management

Communications Project Management (various locations)

Centres de Préparation au Mariage (French: Centers for Marriage Preparation)

Contingency Planning Management

Certified Payroll Manager

Cotton Pest Management (agriculture)

Chemistry Pre-Med (various schools)

Credit Portfolio Management

Christian Pentecostal Mission (outreach ministry)

Child Protection Mediation (various locations)

Central Park Media (US anime/manga publisher)

Certified Professional Manager

Commercial Project Management (various locations)

Continuous Phase Modulation

Cents Per Mile (trucking industry)

Conceptual Process Model

Certified Project Manager

Conference Preparatory Meeting (ITU)

Coût par Mille (French: Cost per Thousand)

Clinical Practice Management (various organizations)

Cycles Per Minute

Certified Purchasing Manager

Coast Property Management (various locations)

Collaborative Production Management

Conflict Prevention Mechanism (various locations)

Cents Per Minute

Certificate Program in Management (various schools)

Central Pontine Myelinolysis (neurologic disease)

Clicks per Minute

Challenge ProMode Arena (Quake gaming)

Certified Practising Marketer (Australia)

Church Planting Movement

Communications Processor Module

Content Planning Module (US Navy)

Collaborative Project Management

Characters Per Minute

Civilian Personnel Management (USACE)

College of Performance Management (Project Management Institute)

Computer Power Management

Condo Project Manager (software)

Client Policy Manager (security software)

Capital Program Management

Communist Party of Malaya

Caisse de Prévoyance Mulhousienne (French: Mulhouse Provident Fund; Mulhouse, France)

Cost Per Minute

Central Policy Manager (various companies)

Consumer Product Manufacturing (various organizations)

Comprehensive Performance Management

Critical Phase Matching

Care Planning Meeting

Control Program for Microcomputers (early 8 bit operating system)

Carboxypeptidase M (protein)

Center for Practice Management (various organizations)

Choeur Philharmonique de Marseille (French: Marseille Philharmonic Choir; Marseille, France)

Common Programming Model (software development)

Continuous Performance Monitoring (software)

Creative Production Management (Los Angeles, CA)

Certified Product Manager

Control Program Monitor

Call Progress Monitoring (software)

Contract Performance Management

Centre for Popular Memory (University of Cape Town; South Africa)

Crucible Particle Metallurgy (proprietary steel manufacturing process)

Chartered Portfolio Manager

Cards Per Minute

Civilian Personnel Manual

Colliding Pulse Mode (Locked Laser)

Comptoir Pharmaceutique et Médical (French: Pharmaceutical and Medical Counter)

Composite Page Mode (computing)

Centre Provençal de la Mucoviscidose (French cystic fibrosis center)

Control Program for Microprocessors (less common)

Critical Parameter Management (Six Sigma)

Control Processor Module

Constant Passive Motion

Channel Photomultiplier

Customer Program Management

Canadian Postal Museum

Church Planting Missionary

California Pellet Mill Co

Career Program Manager (US DoD)

Capability Portfolio Manager

Communist Party of India, Marxists

Customer Profile Management

Center for Precision Metrology (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

Country Program Manager

Central Processor Module

Cloud Parameterization and Modeling (US Department of Energy)

Chamber Pressure Management (semiconductors)

Compagnie des Parquets Massifs (French: Solid Flooring Company)

Communist Party of Malaysia (est. 1983)

Client Project Manager

Capital Project Management, Inc.

Cost Performance Management

Contractor Performance Measurement

Compressed Pattern Matching (data compression)

Compensation Policy Memoranda (OPM)

Continuous Presence Multipoint

Cesarean Prevention Movement (now ICAN)

Center Program Manager

Continuously Powered Main Storage

Cluster Processor Module

Community Panel Member (various locations)

Copper Pass-Thru Module (IBM)

Category-Partition Method

Coordinadora Político-Militar (El Salvador)

CVX Policy Manager

Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy (religious order)

Contractors Plant & Machinery (construction insurance)

Central Password Manager (Cyber-Ark)

Center for Pain Medicine

Client Program Manager

Completely Positive Map

Confidence Profile Method

Community Papers of Michigan

Customer Portfolio Margin

Core Processing Module

Continuous Particle Monitor

Computer Program Module (NASA)

Common Point Minimum Check (airlines)

Combination Port Module (Cisco)

Consolidated Project Management

Continue Present Management (Medical)

Chemical Processes and Materials

Call Protocol Message

Complaints per Million (feedback analysis)

Container/Pallet Distribution Message (aviation)

Computer Program Protection Manager

Computer Program Media

Commander's Policy Memorandums (USACE)

Cincinnati Pepsi Marlins (USA-league swimteam)

Cost Performance Measure

Critical Performance Measure

Change and Problem Management (Sprint)

Called Party Free Message (ITU-T)

California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc.

Computer Project Manager

Copra Meal

Cell Processing Module (Sprint)

Central Processor and Memory (Nortel)

Construction Procedures Manual

Construction/Contract Project Manager

Compton, California Woodley Airport (airport code)

Common Provider Master (Database)

Center for Policy Modeling

Choeur Polyphonique de Montréal (Montreal, QB, Canada choir)

Certify Pin Multiplayer (Synplicity)

Computer Performance Management/Measurement

Cultural Pattern Model

Current Plan Month

Cyclical Preventative Maintenance

Coalition to Protect Marriage

Centrally Packed Meat

Common Packet Multiplexer

Controlled Product Management