Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:21

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CMM

Coordinate Measuring Machine (laser tracker)

Capability Maturity Model (Software Engineering Institute)

Computerized Maintenance Management (job)

Certification in Meeting Management (Meeting Professionals International)

Coal Mine Methane

Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal

Color Management Module

Call Me Maybe (song)

Calvert Marine Museum (Maryland)

Center for Molecular Medicine (various locations)

Chad Michael Murray

Center for Molecular Modeling (US NIH)

Centre for Multilevel Modelling (University of Bristol; Bristol, UK)

Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID)

Consulting Marketing Management (various locations)

Component Maintenance Manual

Communication Media Module (Cisco)

Cluster Management Module (various companies)

Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma

Centre de Morphologie Mathématique (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)

Certified Marina Manager (business designation)

Consumer and Multimedia (Optus; Australia)

Câmara Municipal de Mangualde (Portugese: City Council of Mangualde)

Cash Money Millionaires

Creative Media Marketing (New York, NY)

Common Meta-Model (computing)

Certified Matchmaker

Consommation Moyenne Mensuelle (French: Average Monthly Consumption)

Consistent Mass Matrix (structural mechanics)

Center for Medicare Management (major component of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)

Color Matching Module

Centre for Molecular Medicine

Converting Machinery/Materials (Conference)

Conformal Mapping Method (geometry)

Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (University of Western Australia)

Certified Medical Manager (Professional Association of Health Care Office Management)

Commission for Marine Meteorology (WMO)

Crusaders of Might and Magic (gaming)

Contextual Menu Module

Certified Medical Micropigmentologist (cosmetics)

Contextual Menu Manager (Apple Macintosh)

Customized MarketMail (USPS)

Cranial Mediastinal Mass

Coordinated Measuring Machine

Christian Music Ministries (Birmingham, England)

Classic Motor Monthly (Magazine)

Centre de Météorologie Marine

Channel Marketing Manager

Color Management Method

Cubic Meter per Minute (air flow measurement)

Civilian Manpower Management

Commander of the Order of Military Merit (Canada)

Certified Municipal Manager (Ontario Municipal Management Institute)

Cercle des Mycologues de Montreal (French: Mycologists Society of Montreal; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Computer Measuring Machine

Celebrity Model Management

Commercial Maintenance Manual

Change Management Methodology (telephony)

Central Maine Midwives

Computerized Measuring Machine

Corporate Mid Market (corporate sector)

Center for Modular Microsystems (Louisiana State University)

Connell Mott Macdonald (civil engineering firm)

Chief Machinist Mate (US Navy)

Chaudronnerie Mécanique Montoise (French boiler mechanics company)

Configuration Management Method (UK project management)

Condition Monitored Maintenance (NASA)

Coal Market Module (DOE, NEMS)

Common Modular Missile

Composants Mobilier Métallique (French: Metal Furniture Components)

Configuration Management Manual

Certified Minerals Manager

Coquillages Mer Méditerranée (French: Mediterranean Sea Shells)

Comfrey, Marshmallow, Marigold (ointment)

Congress of Molecular Medicine

Crisis Management Manual

Correlation Memory Matrix

Construction Mécanique et Maintenance (French: Construction and Maintenance Mechanics)

Construction Method Modeler

Conseil des Musulmans à Massy (French: Council of Muslims in Massy; Massy, France)

Corridor Map Method

Core Memory Module

Claymore Mine

Chassis Monitoring and Management

Cargo Movement Module

Cell Membrane Model

Civil and Mechanical Systems division (National Science Foundation)

Compagnie Marseillaise des Métaux (French metal trading company)

Computational Molecular Modeling

Computer Main Memory

Crisis Management Model

Core Memory Model

Catastrophic Major Medical Insurance

Christ de Maison en Maison (French Christian group)

Channel Marketmakers Ltd. (Southampton, England)

Centre Musical de Marsannay-la-Côte (French music center)

Composite Memory Modules

Congregation of Marian Hill Missionaries (religious order)

Covenant Messenger Ministries (Ghana, West Africa)

Corrective Maintenance Management


Club Multisport de Mutigny (French: Multisport Club of Mutigny; Mutigny, France)

CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Morning Meeting (US DoD)

Centre du Management Mental (French information security company)

Citrate Minimal Medium

Ciment Métallurgique Mixte (French: Metallurgical Mixed Cement)