Today, Thursday، 5 Dec 2024 - 06:10

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: CLT

Cross-Laminated Timber (engineered wood product)

Community Land Trust

Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (Brazil)

Central Limit Theorem (probability theory)

Charitable Lead Trust

Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis (cancer)

Cognitive Load Theory (memory)

Communicative Language Teaching

Chinese Language Teaching

Customer Loyalty Team (various companies)

Certified Laser Technician

Citizens for Limited Taxation (est. 1974; Massachusetts)

Currently Listening To (chat)

Certified Landscape Technician

Centre for Learning Technologies (various locations)

Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Complexity Leadership Theory

Chien Loup Tchécoslovaque (French: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)

Canadian Learning Television

Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (language assessment)

College Laboratory Technician (various locations)

Central Location Test

Connecticut Law Tribune (publication; Hartford, CT)

Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Télédiffusion (French: Luxembourg Television Broadcasting Company)

Compañía de Logística y Transporte (Spanish: Logistics and Transport Company)

Clinical Laboratory Technologist

Chesapeake Light Tower (US NOAA)

Centre for Language Technology (various countries)

Combat Lasing Team (US DoD)

Company Landing Team (US Marine Corps)

Corporate Leadership Team

Competitive Landscaping Tool (iSuppli)

Classical Laminate Theory

Cairo Local Time (GMT+0200)

Casualty Liaison Team (US Army)

Cued Language Transliterator

College Libertarians of Towson (Towson, MD)

Container Load Trailer

Calculated Landing Time

Cool Like That

Certificate of Land Transfer

Common Leader Training

Combine Like Terms (algebra)

Compagnie Ligérienne de Transport (French transport company)

Communications Line Terminal

Closed Loop Training (speech synthesis)

Club de Loisirs de Tourlaville (French: Tourlaville Leisure Club; Tourlaville, France)

Christian Love Test

Compagnie Lyonnaise de Tramways (French tramway company)

Cooperative Learning Techniques

Closed Loop Test

Cellular Logistics Team

Stimpson's Surf Clam (FAO species code)

Cultures, Langues, Textes (French: Cultures, Languages, Texts)

Light Cruiser Training

Contracted Loaded Tip (marine propeller)

Cross-Language Transfer

Coordination des Lycées de Toulouse (French: Coordination of High Schools in Toulouse; Toulouse, France)

Center for Law and Technology

Charlotte, NC, USA - Charlotte/Douglas International Airport (Airport Code)

Controlled Leader Triggering (lightning protection)

Conditional Land Transfer

Customer Learning Terminal (aka: Kiosk)

Charge Listing

Civic Little Theatre (now Civic Theatre of Allentown, Pennsylvania)

Component-Level Testing (electronics)

Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (Oklahoma)

Command Level Testing (US Navy)

Culture et Loisirs à Thorigny (French: Thorigny Culture and Leisure; Thorigny-sur-Marne, France)

Comprehensive Look Team (US Army)