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Search result from: CIP

Classification of Instructional Programs


Capital Improvement Program

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Capital Improvement Plan

Center for International Policy (Washington, DC, USA)

Canadian Institute of Planners (Urban Planners Professional Association)

COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Improvement Program


Christians in Politics

Customer Identification Program

Center in the Park (Philadelphia, PA; est. 1968)

Communities in Partnership (various locations)

Cataloging In Publication

Center for International Programs (New Mexico State University)

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (EU)

Common Indexing Protocol

Culinary Institute of the Pacific (Hawaii)

Children in Poverty (various organizations)

Certified Information Professional

Centro Internacional de la Papa (Peru)

Carrier Identification Parameter (ATMF)

Cured-in-Place (pipes)

Color Image Processing

Conseiller d'Insertion et de Probation (French probation counselor)

Center for Information Processing (various schools)

Chemotherapy-Induced Pain (cancer)

Consumer and Industrial Product (sector)

Community Involvement Plan

Carriage and Insurance Paid to (shipping)

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain (rare condition)

Continuation In Part

Case In Point

Continuous Improvement Process

Council of Indigenous Peoples (Taiwan)

Court Improvement Project

Campbell Industrial Park (Hawaii)


Comitato Italiano Paralimpico (Italian: Italian Paralympic Committee)

Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA)

Cochlear Implant Program (hearing)

Construction In Progress

Continual Improvement Program (software)

Chartered Insurance Professional

Covered Interest Parity (International finance)

Chipley (Amtrak station code; Chipley, FL)

City of Piedmont (Piedmont, CA)

Channel Interface Processor (Cisco)

Certified IRB Professional


Conservation Incentive Program (various locations)

Capital Investment Plan

Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (Canada)

Capital Investment Program

Calf Intestinal Phosphatase (alkaline phosphatase)

Cast Iron Pipe

Channel Improvement Project (various locations)

Cold Isostatic Pressing

Centre d'Innovation Pédagogique (French: Center for Educational Innovation)

Career Intern Program

Centre International de Plongée (French: International Diving Center)

Conservation Improvement Plan (utility requirment; Minnesota)

Current Icing Potential (algorithm)

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Controlled Insurance Program

Critical Infrastructure Program

Computers in Physics

Control and Information Protocol

Colusa Industrial Properties (Colusa, CA)

Club Inter Pharmaceutique (French pharmacy association)

Critical Illness Polyneuropathy

CDK-Interacting Protein

Change Implementation Plan

Customized Installation Package

Certified Internet Professional

Collection de l'Institut Pasteur (French: Collection of Pasteur's Institute)

Common Integrated Processor

Current-in-Plane (geometry)

Customer Information Program (Citibank)

Centre d'Information du Public (French: Public Information Center)

Commercially Important Person

Community Investment Process (United Way)

Customs Information Papers (trade)

Civilian Investigative Panel (Miami, FL)

Center for Islamic Pluralism (Washington, DC)

Coating Inspector Program

County Information Project (Texas)

Citizen Information Project (UK)

Craig's Interpolation Property (mathematics)

Constrained Interpolation Profile (numerical method)

Command Inspection Program

Component Improvement Program

Common Imagery Processor

California Innocence Project (law school program)

Carbonyl Iron Powder

Club Italiano Panhard (Italian automobile club)

Customer Identification Procedure

Customer Installable Parts

Cross Island Parkway (Queens NY)

Community Initiative Program

Color Inkjet Printer

Common Isochronous Packet

Command Interface Port

Centre d'Information sur la Prévention des Difficultés des Entreprises (French: Information Center on the Prevention of Problems of Enterprises)

Census of Industrial Production

Commission Internationale Permanente (ammunition standard)

Convergent Intelligence Platform (crime mapping)

Current Instructional Practices (education)

Center for Independent Publishing

Combat Identification Panel

Community Internship Programme (New Zealand)

Commercial Important Person

Customer Initiated Payment (Web-based retail)

Compliance Improvement Plan (US Customs)

Common Installation Picture

Customer-Initiated Payment

Cardiac Injury Panel

Computer Integrated Processing

Connector Interface Panel

Cook Islands People's Party

Community Indicator Project (various locations)

Commercial Important Passenger (air travel)

Customer Incentive Program

Compliance Initiative Project

Centre International de Pilotage (French: International Steering Center; motorcycle training)

Corporate Incentive Program

Computed Impact Point

Commercial Import Program

Common Intelligence Picture

Caudal Intraparietal

Civic Involvement Projects (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey)

Centre d'Ingénierie Pédagogique (French: Engineering Teaching Center)


Clark Internet Publishing

Catalogue Item Publication

Communications Interface Processor

Combat Information Processor

Come In Please (radio)

Compressor Inlet Pressure

Crypto-Ignition Plug

Combined Interoperability Program

Critical Intelligence Parameter

Customer Interface Panel (DSC)

Compacted in Place

Cinémas Indépendants Parisiens (French: Paris Independent Cinemas; est. 1992; Paris, France)


Christians in Parliament (UK)

Capital Investment Proposal(s)

Command Information Program

Centre Immobilier du Poitou (French real estate company)

Customer Interaction Platform

Customer Integration Panel

Contraband Interdiction Program (Florida)

Client Interest Program

Concept Industriel des Plastiques (French industrial plastics company)

Counter Intelligence Program

Communication Improvement Program

Chad in Portland (radio personality; Oregon)

Centre for International Poverty Research (University of Bergen; Norway)

Class Improvement Plan

Clothing Issue Point

Corrugated Iron Pipe

Coordinated Instrument Package

Construction Inspection Procedure

Consolidated Intelligence Program

Centre for International Peacebuilding

Channel Identification Plan (cable television)

CINC Interoperability Program Office

Cellular Internet Protocol

Club Informatique Paca (French computer club)

Congreso de Investigación Politécnica

Consolidated Imagery Program

Cost Improvement Project

Contract Into Plane

Convergencia Indígena Popular (Spanish: Indigenous People's Convergence)

Core Investment Program

Customer Invoice Processing

Communications Implementation Plan

Communications Improvement Plan

Capital Investment Panel

Civic Internet Portal

Certificate of Inspection and Possession (property regulation)

Chef d'Incident Principal

Component-Independent Palette

Classical Internet Protocol Over ATM

Coast-In Point

Commands In Progress

Critical Item Program

Contract Improvement Program

Cultural Initiatives Programme (Department of Canadian Heritage)

Customer Information Package

Collision Intervention Processor

Class Improvement Program

Candidate Interoperability Plan

Center for Interactive Programs (University of Wisconsin)

Cluster Intercept Parameter

Commander's Involvement Program

COMSEC Interface Processor

Communication Invoice Process

Common Improvement Program

Current Intelligence Picture

Configuration Interaction with Partner Orbitals