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Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 18:56
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Search result from: CI
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Common Interface
City (IRB)
Confidence Interval
Configuration Item
Competitive Intelligence
Continuous Integration
Customer Information
Conservation International
Christmas Island
Check In (IBM)
Corporate Information
Criminal Intent (Law & Order TV series)
Channel Islands (UK)
Cast Iron
Canadian Idol (TV show)
Cote d'Ivoire (country code, top level domain)
Criminal Investigation
Cumulative Incidence (epidemiology)
Configuration Interaction
Corporate Identity
Cayman Islands
Canadian Institute (Ontario, Canada)
Continuous Improvement (business quality/productivity assurance)
Central Indiana
Community Informatics
Capital Investment
Community Involvement
Critical Illness
Critical Infrastructure
Collective Intelligence
Collegiate Institute
Critical Issues
Copyright Infringement
Correctional Institution
Critical Information
Cirrus (cloud formation)
Certificate of Insurance
Cognitive Impairment
Continuous Infusion
Consumers International (UK)
Crisis Intervention
Consumers' International
Caller ID
CARE International (global humanitarian organization)
Canary Islands
Compression Ignition
Cardiac Index
Credit Insurance
Computer Interface
Chlorine Institute
Community of Interest
Code Inspection
Case Insensitive (computing)
Clinical Investigation
Communications International
Coney Island (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
Chris Isaak (musician)
Customer Interface
Cochlear Implant (audiological device that restores hearing to the deaf)
Cost Index
Cooper Institute
Combination Index (drug treatment)
Cubic Inch
Categorical Imperative
Correctional Industries (Nebraska)
Clinical Instructor
Confidential Informant
Corrosion Inhibitor
Chief Instructor (various organizations)
Cook Inlet
Curriculum & Instruction (education)
Caritas Italiana (Italian charity)
Component Interface
Chemical Ionization
Commercial Invoice
Control Interface
Constitutional Instrument (Ghana)
Command Interpreter
Calculus Index (dentistry)
Corporate Investment
Colour Index
Cooperazione Italiana (Italian Cooperation)
Cost & Insurance
Cost Incurred
City Inspector
Circle Inspector (India)
Conservación Internacional (Spanish: Conservation International)
Cowl Induction
Carnegie Institute
Construction Inspector
Criminal Investigator
Communist International (also COMINTERN or Third International)
Catcher's Interference (baseball)
Commercial Imagery (US Air Force)
Center Island
Capital Introduction (analyst)
Coeficiente Intelectual (Spanish: Intelligence quotient)
Central Islip (Long Island, New York)
Crime & Investigation (TV series)
Command Information
Commercial Items (FAR Part 12)
Characteristic Impedance
Cell ID
Control Instrumentation
Central Instance (SAP)
Condition Index
Communications Interface
Compassion International (relief charity)
Consistency Index
Complete Integration
Channel Interface
Contour Interval
Core Infrastructure
Complexity International (journal)
Clock Input
Compliance Inspection
Critical Intelligence
Calcineurin Inhibitor (immunosuppressor)
Colonial Inauguration (George Washington University; Washington, DC)
Connection Identifier
Combustion Institute
Coded Information
Cotton Incorporated
Critical Injury
Chemical Injection
Certification Inspection
Control Interval
Control Indicator
Circuit Interrupter
Critical Item
Commissariat à l'Information du Canada (Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada)
Crazy Ivan (Soviet submarine maneuver)
Cluster Interconnect
Charge Injection
Call Indicator
Civilian Instructor (UK Air Cadets)
Constructive Interference (physics)
Central Index
Computer Intelligence (Division of Ziff Davis)
Comunità Incontro (Italian: community encounter)
Contract Item
Counterpart International
Civilian Internee
Chemonics International
Commercial Intelligence
Customer Installation
Consular Invoice
Combat Intelligence
Certificate of Identity (various nations)
Crimson Idol (W.A.S.P music album)
Confidential Intermediary (adoption)
Card Input
Connected Intelligence
Counselor Intern
Complexity Index (Indiana school funding formula)
Contextual Inquiry
Catalogue Item
Computer Interconnect
Combat Identification
Cognition and Instruction (journal)
Circuit Integrity
Corner Infielder (baseball; 1st or 3rd baseman)
Central Impression (printing press with only one impression cylander & multiple colors)
Criminal Informant
Customer Integration
Computers in Industry (journal)
Cervical Incompetence
Compounded Interest
Controlled Irrigation
Curriculum Inquiry
Course Indicator
Certificate of Interpretation
Critical Indicator
Critical Interface
Carrier Interferometry
Congestion Indicator (ATMF)
China Airlines - Taiwan (IATA airline code)
Content Identifier
Craft Interface
Current Interrupt
Controlled Introduction
Schedule I Controlled Substance (USA)
Cerebral Insufficiency
Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile
Command Inspection
Christic Institute (Malibu, CA)
Contents Inventory (insurance)
Commonweal Institute
Containment Isolation
Carrington Institute (fictional, gaming)
Certified Investigator
Clandestine Industries (band)
Containment Integrity
Component Instrumentation