Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 06:58

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: CF

Compact Flash (solid state memory technology)

Cold Fusion (Allaire web application development product)

Canadian Forces

Center Field (Baseball)

Copy(ies) Furnished


Configuration File

Carbon Fiber

Cash Flow

Compact Flash


Compact Framework (Microsoft)

Christian Fellowship

Cardiff University (Wales)

Cardiff (postal code for Cardiff, Wales)

Corporate Finance

Capital Federal

French Canadian


Community Forestry

Cooling Fan

County Fair

Central African Republic (country code, top level domain)

Christian Forums

Collaborative Filtering

Confer (Latin: Compare)

Hundred Feet

Cubic Foot

Contributing Factor

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Corn Flakes

Compact Fluorescent (lamp/bulb)

Correctional Facility

Conversion Factor

Conceptual Framework

Control Freak

Control Functions

Cloud Foundry

Control Flow

Corn Flour

Complement Fixation (assay method for determination of infection in blood or serum)

Crazy Frog (advertisement)

Consumidor Final (Spanish: End Consumer)

Center Front (tailoring)

Constituição Federal (Brazil; Federal Constitution)

Cost and Freight

Continuous Flow

Conservation Foundation

Continued Fractions

Cutoff Frequency

Calgary Flames (NHL hockey team of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Conservative Future

Cumulative Frequency (statistics)

Climate and Forecast

Cerebrospinal Fluid

Carry Flag

Capita Financial (various companies)

Carrier Free

Chinese Food


Capacity Factor

Coal Fired

Court Filing

Continuous Form

Crest-Factor (distribution in multiplexed transmission signals)


Chaplain to the Forces


Centrifugal Force

Carry Forward

Correlation Factor

Codice Fiscale (Italian: fiscal code)

Cardiac Failure


Cienfuegos (postcode, Cuba)

Cold Front (meteorology)

Core Foundation (Apple Computer)

Corporate Fraud

Call Forwarding

Carrier Frequency

Compte Financier (French: Financial Account)

Combining Form (linguistics)

Counter Force

Conversion Facility

Cadillac Fairview


Core Fighter (Gundam)

Coupling Facility (IBM mainframes)

Canadian French (language)

Common Functions

Change Form

Certified Forester (Society of American Foresters)

Causal Factor

Chronic Future (band)

Captain Falcon (Nintendo)

Covering Force

Continuous Feature

Count Forward

Cold Feet (movie)

Center Frequency


Corkscrew Follies (Rollercoaster Tycoon game)

Consolidated Freightways (trucking company)

Charcoal Filter

Celtic Frost (band)

Career Field

Completion Fluid (oil industry)

Center Fire (Ammunition)

Customer Focus

Coopération Française (French)

Commercial Film

Computing Facility

Common Formats (United States Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005)

Center Forward (soccer position)

Change Filter

Climbing Fiber (neuroscience)

Calibration Factor

Central Facility

Customer Furnished

Charlie-Foxtrot (slang for Cluster Flock; polite form)

Communication Function

Canadian Fighter

Consulting Forester

Coalition Force

Change Frequency

Central Files

Compound Fracture

Civic Force (Japan)

Confidence Factor

Caucasian Female

Coated Front (paper)

Compression Factor

Complementary Function

Cahiers Francais

Causeway Ferry (US DoD)

Communications Flight

Center Funded

Charter One Financial (NYSE Symbol)

Customer Fulfilment

Convertible Freighter

Centrally Funded


Collection Function

Citrovorum Factor

Conseco Fieldhouse (Indiana)

Cloud Fraction

Completion Form

Cowboys Fringants (band)


Cathode Follower

Contra Fidem (Latin: Against My Will)

Christmas Factor

Commonwealth Funding

Cold Finish

Cervical Fracture (neck)


Charleston Forge

Drift Error Confidence Factor (US DoD)

Flying Deck Cruiser (US Navy)

Commodities Finance

Concept Formulation

Chicago Force

Chart Field

Concept Feasibility

Compress-and-Forward (networking)

Confinement Factor

Continental Freight (trucking company)

Counts Fingers (used with the 20/ scale after c. 20/400; ophthalmology)

Construction Forces

Clearance Facility

Coupling Fault

Center of Flotation

Compliance Finding

Critically Factor

Computation Facility

Consulting Fellow

Conservation Farmers (Nepal)

Comité de Facilitation

Cumulus Fractus

Cape Fear Railways, Inc.



Frictional Resistance Coefficient

Constructed Fare (airlines)

Confrontation Field (ophthalmology)

Clinical Facilitator

Content Freeze

Contingency Flag

Coin First Payphone

Chikara Fansubs

Creative Fluff (website)

Construction Flagman (NYC Transit Authority)

Condensate and Feed

Cab to Frame

Cable, Fuzing or Firing

Cluster Foulup (polite form; military slang)

Clarissima Foemina (Latin: Most Famous Lady, epigraphy)

Compartmented Facility

Imagery and Geospatial Community Management Office (NIMA)

Controlled Flaw