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Search result from: CET
Common Entrance Test
Central European Time (GMT+0100)
College of Engineering and Technology (Bhubaneswar, India)
Compte Epargne Temps (French: Time Savings Account)
Civil Engineering Technology (various universities)
Center for Educational Technologies
Collège d'Enseignement Technique (French: College of Technical Education)
Center for Excellence in Teaching (various schools)
Common External Tariff
Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego (Brazil)
Community Education and Training (various locations)
Center for Emerging Technologies (various organizations)
Centre d'Enfouissement Technique (French landfill)
Center for Environmental Technology (various locations)
Cutting Edge Technology
Corporate Executive Team (various locations)
College English Test (China)
Continuing Education and Training
Computer Engineering Technology
Center for Employment Training
Cotisation Économique Territoriale (French: Economic Contribution Region)
College of Engineering, Trivandrum (India)
Carrier Ethernet Transport
Construction Excise Tax (Oregon)
Cement Evaluation Tool (oil production)
Certified Engineering Technologist (Canada)
Committee on Educational Technology (various schools)
Certified Environmental Trainer (NETA)
Combat Engineer Tractor
Certified Electronic Technician
Christian Ethics Today (journal)
Center for Enabling Technology (various organizations)
Center for Environmental Therapeutics (New York, NY)
Contraband Enforcement Team
Cisco Encryption Technology
Capacitance-Equivalent Thickness (computing)
Construction Electrician (Telecommunications)
Combined Entrance Test
Center for Educational Telecommunications
Cape Empowerment Trust
Convoy Escort Team
Corrected Effective Temperature
Children's Educational Theater (Salem, OR)
Containment Event Tree
Combat Enhancement Training
Century Embedded Technologies (Salt Lake City, UT)
Consumer Engaement Technolgoies
Certified Environmental, Safety and Health Trainer
Critical Entry Time
Christian Education Trust (NZ)
Contract voor de Economie en de Tewerkstelling
Core Exit Thermocouple
China Education Tours (Washington, DC)
Centro de Estudes de Telecomunicoes (Portugal)
Contractual Engineering Task
Controlled Emission Toilet (safe hygienic disposal of contents of toilet tanks on railway carriages)
Club Euro Trabi (French automobile club)
Certified Expressive Therapist
Centre Évolution Tuning (French automobile club)
Core Evaluation Team
Computer Ethics Taskforce (Australian Computer Society)
Computers and Electronic Technology
Commercial Experiment Transporter
CINC Evaluation Test
Critical Experiment Tank
Cumulative Elapsed Time
Crew Escape Technology
Certified Exercise Therapist
Central Europe Trust Ltd.
Centre d'Études Tchèques (French: Czechs Study Center; Belgium)
Carrier Engineering Team
Concurrent Engineering Team
Common Effluent Treatment Facilities
Comprehensive Electronics Test
Combined Environmental Testing Facility
Computational Engineering Team
Customer Event Tracking
Collector-Emitter Transcapacitance
Central Engineering Team
Circular Equivalent Target
Coherent Ensembles of Trajectories
Concept Evaluation Test
Control Equipment Technician