Today, Saturday، 22 Feb 2025 - 20:22

Acronym Finder

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In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: CDO

Cagayan de Oro (Philippines)

Collaboration Data Objects (Microsoft)

Collateralized Debt Obligation

Chief Data Officer (various companies)

Compagnia Delle Opere

Chief Development Officer (corporate title)


Career Development Opportunities (various organizations)

Chief District Officer (Nepal)

Continuous Descent Operation (various locations)

Central Dense Overcast (meteorology)

Command Duty Officer

Child Development Organization (Pakistan)

Conseil des Ombres (French: Shadow Council; gaming)

Community Development Organization

Community Dial Office

Community Development Office

Centrale des Opticiens (French: Central Opticians)

Chromosome Deletion Outreach, Inc

Care Delivery Organization (healthcare)

Controlled Decomposition/Oxidation

Compulsive Disorder of Obsessiveness

Capital Defender Office

Compressed Day Off (various organizations)

Centre de Danses Orientales (French: Oriental Dance Center)

Come da Oggetto (Italian: As Per Subject)

Clergy Deployment Office(r)

Controlling DoD (Department of Defense) Office (US DoD)

Central Dispatching Organization

Communications Duty Officer

Central Documentation Office

Civil Defense Office

Carbon Doped silicon Oxide

Central Disbursing Officer

Child Development Officer

Chicago District Office

Chief Disciplinary Officer (prisons)

Corneodermatoosseous Syndrome

Customer Direct Order

Commercial Development Office

Change Design Order

Construction Development/Design Office

Community Development Organizer

Classified Documents Officer

Change Data Order

Contested & Degraded Operations (US Air Force)

Consent Dismissal Order (Canadian courts)

Constrained Distortion Optimal

Control Document Officer

Coaxial Digital Output

Community Development Outline

Callable Debt Obligation