Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 01:49

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: BT

British Telecommunications


BlueTooth (wireless personal area networking technology)

Northern Ireland (postcode, United Kingdom)

BitTorrent (file swarming program)

Balance Transfer

Breakfast Television (Atlantic Canada Newsmagazine)

Business Transformation


Business Times

Broader Term (lexicography)

Baghdad Time (GMT+0200)

Battle Tested (paintball)

Basic Training

Bacillus Thuringiensis

Billy Talent (band)

Battletech (roleplaying game)

Boys Toys

Boat Tail

Bundestag (German Parliament)

Boston Terrier (canine breed)

Building Technology (various organizations)

Botosani (Romania county)

Break Through

Behavior Therapy

Blood Test

Board of Trade

Berlingske Tidende (Denmark newspaper)

Ballistic Tip

Bad Taste (movie)


Booker T (pro wrestler)

Blues Traveler (band)

Bankers Trust

Bad Trip

Blood Transfusion

Bacterial Translocation

Bassa Tensione (Italian: Low Voltage)

Baja Tensión (Spanish: Low Voltage)

Brown Thomas (Irish department store)

Black Temple (World of Warcraft)

Bow Thruster (boating)

Break Time

Baby Talk (magazine)

Big Ticket

Brian Transeau (DJ/producer/composer)

Brain Teaser



Blood Type

Block Type

Business Telecommunications

Brevet de Technicien (French)

Bandwidth Time (Bluetooth)

Biological Terrorism

Byte This

Bjørn Tore (Norwegian artist)

Bit Test

Bleeding Time (test of blood)

Boys Town

Overseas Trade (British archival material; Stanford University; Stanford, CA)

Bolt Thrower (band)

Black Tower (game)

Banjo Tooie (video game)


Block Transfer

Basic Technology

Black Tiger (shrimp)

Begin Text


Burn Time

Bullet Time (game)

Bismaleimide Triazine (resin used in chips and circuit boards)

Burst Tolerance

Bombay Times (India)

Blast Theory (band)

Binary Translation


Black Thorn (game)

Bird Text (comedy group)

Battletoads (video game)

Budget Estimate


Big Typhoon (CPU cooler)

Beta Tau

Borderline Tuberculoid (leprosy)

Blalock-Taussig Shunt (also seen as B-T)

Beginning of Tape

Blue Tetrazolium (chemistry)

Bench Trial

Bruce Trail (Ontario)

Black Templars (Space Marine Chapter, gaming)

Bishops' Transcripts

Bilgisayarli tomografi (Turkish: computerized tomography)

Boiler Technician (US Navy Rating)

butorphanol tartrate (nasal spray)

Ball-Turret Gunner

Billion Tonne

Baggage Tag

Brown Town

Bamboo Tree

Bomb Technician

Bulb Thermometer

Blair-Taylor (Wisconsin school district)

Bloodthirster (gaming)

Break Track

Bering Time (GMT-1100)

Black Tapestries (webcomic)

Battalion Training

Biomedical Times (resource)

Bad Temperament (referring to pet personality)

Break Transmission

Before Tendulkar (India, sports)

(USN Rating) Boiler Technician

Beginning of Transmission

Basis Traffic

Botulism Toxoid

Block Termination

Baal T'Shuvah (Jewish religion)

Bottle Toke

Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation

Banco de los Trabajadores (Guatemalan bank)


Bottom of Tape

Builders Trials

Battalion Terminal

Bashkia E Tiranës (Albanian: Tirana municipality)

Behavioral Taxonomy

Baron Technology (New Haven, Connecticut)