Today, Thursday، 19 Dec 2024 - 15:58

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: BOP


Base of the Pyramid

Bureau Of Prisons

Balance Of Payments

Bay of Plenty (New Zealand)

Bottom of the Pyramid

Blowout Preventer (oil industry)

Box Office Prophet (movies; Crystal Tech)

Business Owner's Policy

Bureau of Personnel (various locations)

Basic Operator Panel

Balance of Plant

Bank of Punjab (India)

Branch of Practice (medicine)

Balance Of Power

Breach of Parole

Bird of Prey

Burden of Proof

Borough of Poole (UK)

Border Outpost

Broken Orange Pekoe (tea)

Blast Overpressure (high energy impulse noise)

Banking on the Poor (microfinance)

Bind on Pickup (MMORPG, gaming)

Bleeding on Probing (dentistry)

Birds of Paradise

Blowout Prevention (oil-gas industry)

Budget Opérationnel de Programme (French: Operational Program Budget)

Buffer Overflow Protection (software)

Builder Option Package (Energy Star)

Board of Parole (law enforcement)

Blessing of Protection (gaming, World of Warcraft ability)

Bit-Oriented Protocol

Business Office Personnel

Bottom of Porch (Penstemon Margarita plant)

Basic Oxygen Process

Breach of Peace (law enforcement)

Bit Oriented Protocol

Bill of Particulars

Brew on Premises (business)

Business Operating Plan

Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac

Beginning of Period

Board of Probation (law enforcement)

Break Out Panel (electronics)

Bill of Process

Bridge Operating Platform (McDonald's)

Biologie des Organismes et des Populations (French: Biology of Organisms and Populations)

Bottom of Pipe

Book of Praise (Canadian and American Reformed Churches)

Business over Pleasure

Building Operating Plan

Back of Pack (packaging design)

Business Operating Profit

Base Of Preference

Bow of Peril (Lineage II; video game)

Brotherhood of Pain (gaming clan)

Block of Packets

Best Operations Practices (various locations)

Back Office Processes

Byte-Oriented Protocol

Business Opportunities Page

Ban on Politics (newsgroup usage)

Base Out Percentage

Baseline Operations Plan

Budget Operating Plan

Business Operating Procedure

Brotherhood of Pwnage (gaming clan)

Binary Output Program

Basic Operation Plan

Binary Oriented Protocol

Boring Old People

Brand Optimization Planning

Basis of Provisioning

Bircham's Office Products

Bandwidth Occupancy Plan

Back Office Product

Boat Offloading Point

Boston Oil Party

Both Arrays Fed Out-of-Phase (antennas)

Bought Out Part

Branch Operating Policy

Business Opportunity Proposal

Bleeding on probing measurement

Bill of Parameters