Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 15:43

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: BF


Black Friday

Body Fat (health statistic)

Beginning of (radioactive) Fallout

Best Friend


Burkina Faso (country in west Africa)


Blue Film

Breastfeeding (infant health)


Board Foot

Best Feature


Benjamin Franklin

Bring Forward

Blood Flow

But First (Hyper Logo command)

Ballast Factor

Basal Forebrain


Baby Face

Booking Fee

Brett Favre (football player)

Beam Forming

Batters Faced (baseball statistic)

Balanced Flue (fireplaces)

Blast Furnace

Business Forum

Battlefields (Utopia game server)


Backfill (class of concrete surface finish, USACE)

Brought Forward

Baseball Field

Bonafide (notice of intent to manufacture or import)

Blind Faith (book by Joe McGinniss)

Bold Face

Bryan Ferry (singer)

Blind Faith (band)

Breaker Failure (electrical engineering)

Boba Fett (Star Wars character)

Basse Fréquence (French: Low Frequency; radio frequency)

Brain Freeze

Bad Friend

Bad Flag



Basic Function

Behavioral Finance

Battle Force

Beat Frequency

Boiler Feed

Belgian Franc (unit of currency)

Blood Furnace (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Buenafuente (Spanish TV show)

Battle Frontier (Pokemon)

Butterworth Filter

Both Faces

Bloody Fool

Blue Falcon (Dyno-Mutt)

Battle Field 1942 (game)


Bitch Fit


Bypass Filter

Basic Frame (NEC)

Brevet Federal

Balance Forward

Bum Fights (game)

Benton Foundation

Boundary Function

Beam Fraction


Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG (German aircraft manufacturer)

Bangface (London, England neo-rave club)

Bongo Fury

Bond Forfeiture

Bravo Fleet (gaming)

Balefire (gaming)

Business Facilitator (Indian banking sector)

Business Frame (statistics, New Zealand)

Bridging Fault

Balls Faced (game of Cricket)

Blitzen Fits (Christmas)

Bachelor of Finance

Biliran Forum

Bridge Function

Body Flap

Mark Air (airline code)

Burning Fusion (WoW gaming Fusion Server)


Bornhuetter-Ferguson (insurance claims method)

Bus Fraction (Intel)

Bryan Fury (Tekken 3 character)

Battery Feed

Boundary Facility

Breaker Filter (Nortel)



Binary Feedback

Beyond Fatal (band)

Bovine Fibrinogen

Blade Fold

Banco Filipino Savings & Mortgage Bank (Philippines)

Blue Faction (gaming clan)

Branching Filter

Bond Finger (semiconductor substrate type)

Bombay First

Bachelor of Forestry

Bellerive Foundation (Kenya)

Bellows Factor (photography)

Battlefield Function

Bashkimi Për Fitoren (Union for Victory, Albania)

Base Funded

Benign Fill (cryptography)

Biologijas Fakultate (Faculty of Biology)

Bladen Force (website ring)

Bjørnefitte (Norwegian Military Winterhat)

Burgundy Fawn (rabbit breed)

Buttock Firmer (strength-building exercise)

Buffalo's Finest (graffiti crew)

Berendina Foundation (microfinance)