Today, Tuesday، 4 Mar 2025 - 22:51

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: BBL



Big Bash League (cricket competition; Australia)

Basketball Bundesliga (German basketball league)

Bats (SIL code, Georgia)

Bangsamoro Basic Law (Philippines)

Billion Barrels

Brain Based Learning (education)

British Basketball League

Brown Bag Lunch

Banque Bruxelles Lambert (Belgian Bank)

Blue Barrel (42-gallon oil barrels)

Broad Band Light Therapy (skin treatment)

Bird Banding Laboratory (Maryland)

Beko Basketball Bundesliga (German: Beko Basketball League)

Bank Brussels Lambert

Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Dutch: Bond Better Environment; est. 1971; Belgium)

Black Bear Lake (Clarksburg, NJ day camp)

BBL Transport (not an acronym; formerly Balkans Bosphore Logistique; France)

Big Belly Laugh

Beroeps Begeleidende Leerweg (Dutch: Professional Support Pathway)

Blocked Bidder List (eBay)

Black Body Locus (Planckian)

Bachelor of Business Laws (college degree)

Brampton Brick Limited (Canada)

Belly Button Lint

Béjart Ballet Lausanne (Swiss dance troupe)

Balgzand Bacton Line (Groningen, The Netherlands)

Bendigo Bank Ltd. (Australia)

Baltic Basketball League

Bundesamtes für Bauten und Logistik (German: federal office for buildings and logistics, Switzerland)

Brain Behavior Laboratory (various locations)

Basic Business Line

Borough, Block, Lot (real estate; New York)

Baden-Baden-Linie (German railway)

Buys-Ballot Laboratorium (Netherlands)

Blasland, Bouck, and Lee, Inc. (environmental consulting firm)

Bodø Boligbyggelag (Norwegian: Bodø Housing; Norwegian Housing Association; est. 1946)

British Bridge League

Bye-Bye, Love

Budget Bill Language

Bangkok Bank, Limited (Thailand)

Bush Blue Lake (bean species)

Bitstream Binding Language (computer programming)

Biobehavioral Laboratory (UNC, Chapel Hill, NC)

Bay Bioanalytical Laboratory, Inc.

Bye Bye, Later

Brisbane Bus Lines (Australia)

Big Beautiful Lady

Brain Behaviour Lab (Canada)

Better Business League

BobBillLarry (message board moderator)

Beep Baseball League

Backbone Leg

Basket-Ball Louvignéen (French basketball club)

Bradford Bachinski Limited

Be a Bump on a Log