Today, Saturday، 21 Dec 2024 - 21:54

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ASL

American Sign Language

Azienda Sanitaria Locale


Additional Support for Learning (various locations)

Association for Symbolic Logic

Architektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung (German: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning)

Advanced Science Letters (journal)

Above Sea Level

Advanced Squad Leader (board game)

Advanced Squad Leader (Multi-Man Publishing magazine)

American Soccer League

Arterial Spin Labeling (medical imaging method)

Age/Sex/Location? (chat)

Apache Software License (Apache Software Foundation)

Automatic Sound Levelizer

Axpo Super League (sports; Switzerland)

Archdiocese of Saint Louis (St. Louis, MO)

Autonomous Systems Lab

Acadian Seaplants Limited (Canada)

Application Services Library

Animal Science Lab (various schools)

Appalachian School of Law

Adaptive Systems Laboratory (various universities)

Astaro Security Linux

Art Students League

A Static Lullaby (band)

Auto Service Leasing

authorized stockage list (Army)

ACPI Source Language

Average Service Life (depreciation)

Applied Science Laboratories

Approved Supplier List

Airway Surface Liquid (physiology)

Anti-Secession Law (China)

Archipelagic Sea Lane (US DoD)

Association Sports et Loisirs (French: Sports & Recreation Association)

Anti-Saloon League (1893-1933; Ohio)

Active Status List

Assistant Squad Leader

Australian Society for Limnology

Adaptive Switch Laboratories, Inc.

Account Spending Limit (Sprint)

Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory

Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman

Atmospheric Surface Layer

Associations Syndicales Libres

Assistant Scout Leader

Authorized Stock(age) List

Anton Szandor LaVey (High Priest of the Church of Satan)

Applied Superconductor Ltd. (UK)

Adaptive Speed Leveling (US Robotics)

Association des Sciences du Langage (French: Association of Language Sciences)

After School Learning

Assistant Secretary for Legislation

Aircraft Services Lemwerder GmbH

Arctic Submarine Laboratory (NOSC)

Array Support Library

Assembler Source Language

Assign Switch Locator (SL) Routing (US DoD)

Aiken-Augusta Swim League

Action Specification Language

Aggregate Stop Loss (Insurance industry term)

American Scientific Lighting

Average Staffing Levels

Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory

Anna Sobol Levy (foundation; New York, NY)

Albert Sloman Library (UK)

Active Supplier List

Association du Syndrome de Lowe

Approved Source List

Association Strümpell-Lorrain

American School of London

Art Slide Library (Brown University; Rhode Island)

Apollo Scientific Ltd. (UK)

Albuquerque Soccer League

Ask Sponsored Listing (online advertising)

Alliance Systems Ltd. (UK)

Applying the Science of Learning

Active Speech Level

Action Semantics Language (extension of UML which allows executable models)

Aeronautical Systems Laboratory

American Strength Legends

Ada Structured Library

About Spanish Language

Allowable Supply List

Application-Specific Language

Adapter Scripting Language (programming)

Accounting Solutions Limited

Audiophile Systems Ltd

Art and Science Laboratory

Anarchist Soccer League

Anderson Strickler, LLC

Analyser Sales Ltd

Astro Space Locator (software)

Automated Securities Lending

Assigned Stockage List

Aeronautical Structures Laboratory

Advanced Simulation Laboratory

Analytical Service Laboratory (International Rice Research Institute; Philippines)

Antenna Software Ltd

Aquitaine Services Logistique (France)

Approval Services Laboratory

Authorised Signatory List

Alternate Storage Location

Amador Stage Lines, Inc.

Allery Scotts Ltd

Advanced Software Logic, Inc.

Adventure Seekers Ltd

Affordable Sound and Light

Acquisition Summary Listing

Australasian Suomalaisten Liitto

Armor School Library (Ft Knox, KY, USA)

Advanced Solutions Limited

Alarm Systems Limited

Amorphous Silicon Laboratory

Analytical Chemistry and Nanosciences Short Lectures

Alpha Systems Laboratories

Amiga Standard Library (UI development)

Appropriation Summary Ledger

Atomic Space Lab (cartoon)

Avionics System LAN

Azimuth Steering Line (US Air Force; fighter plane guide)

Architecture Simulation Laboratory

Asia Supreme Life

Amwell Services Ltd

Active Service List (computer networking)

Autobacs Sportscar Laboratory, Co, Ltd

Autonomous Script Language

Assigned Stockage Level

Aviation Support and Logistics

Agencement Sonorisation Lumière (French lighting company)