Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 06:51

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Search result from: ART

Article (part of speech)

Active Release Techniques


Alternative Risk Transfer

Assisted Reproductive Technology


AEF (Air Expeditionary Force) Reporting Tool


American Repertory Theatre (Cambridge, MA)

Advanced Research Technologies Inc.

Advanced Real Time

Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica (Portuguese: Technical Responsibility Note; Brazil)


Anaheim Resort Transit

Antiretroviral Therapy (HIV)

Analysis, Research and Technology (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)

Assisted Reproductive Techniques

Android Run Time (software)

Additional Reference (Carrier) Transmission

Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications

Aggression Replacement Training

Average Running Time

Alzheimer's Research Trust (UK)

Advanced Registry Tracer (Windows)

Al-Rashid Trust (Pakistan)

Air Reserve Technician (US Air Force)

Advanced Rider Training (motorcycling)

All Round Training (children's excellence program)

Ascott Residence Trust (Singapore)

Area Review Team (various organizations)

American Review of Tuberculosis (now American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine)

Arlington Transit

Application Response Time (Netscout)

Alliance of Resident Theatres (New York)

Air Reserve Technician (USAF Reserve)

Arab Radio and Television

Alliance for Responsible Trade

Anggaran Rumah Tangga (Indonesian: Household Budget)

Advanced Reproductive Technologies

Atomic Rocket Turtle (open source software archive)

Assisted Reproductive Treatment

Autorité de Régulation des Télécoms (France)

Autonomic Response Testing

Annual Renewable Term (life insurance)

Assisted Reproductive Therapy


Automated Regression Testing

Algebraic Reconstruction Technique(s)

Audio Response Teller (automated digital bank/credit union teller system)

Average Room Temperature

Absolute Return Tracker

Automotive Retailing Today

Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. (Lawrenceville, GA)

Alpine Rescue Team (mountain rescue organization in Evergreen, Colorado)

Agroscope Reckenholz-Taenikon Research Station (Switzerland)

Assuming Room Temperature

Archivists Round Table

Advanced Radar Technology (BMDO)

Aerospace Research and Technology

Astoria Transit Center (Amtrak station code; Astoria, OR)

Automated Reasoning Tool

Advanced Reactor Technology

Assessment and Response Team

American Rubber Technologies

Aggression Replacement Therapy (behavior management)

Aerosol Resistant Tip

Average Resolution Time

Association of Renal Technologists (UK)

Accredited Records Technician

American Refrigerator Transit Co.

Accelerated Reliability Test

Asynchronous Remote Takeover

Albirex Racing Team (Niigata, Japan)

Avian Rhinotracheitis

Actuator Running Tool (energy production)

Acorn RISC Technologies

Advanced Radiation Technology

Army Regional Tools (US Army)

Airborne Radar Technician

Approaching Room Temperature

Autism Resource Team

Administrative Review Team

Advanced Resolution Technology

Average Reliable Throughput

Watertown, NY, USA - Watertown (Airport Code)

Advanced Registered Technologist (Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science)

Acoustic Resonance Technology

Alamo Regional Transit (Texas)

American Radio Theater (old-time radio)

African Resources Trust

Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act of 2004

Army Reserve Technician

Associação de Residentes de Telheiras

Adaptive Rate Transmission

Administradora de Riesgos de Trabajo (Argentina)

Advanced Reasoning Tool

Advanced Repair Technology, Inc

Automatic Reserve Thrust (aviation)

Adjusted Reference Temperature

Abstands-Regel-Tempomat (German)

Adverse Reactions Terminology (WHO)

Authorite de Regulation des Telecommunications (France)

Army Tactical Task

Achilles Tendon Reflex Test

Automatic Revision Tracking

Azzura Robot Team (Italian National Team in autonomous robot competitions)

Johnson-Grace Compressed Image (file extension)

Automatic Reporting Telephone

Advanced Radio Telecommunications

Advanced Rotocraft Technology

Angle-Resolved Transmission

Auxiliary Resonant Tank

Assessment Recovery Team

Architecture Review Team

Aerial Refueling Track

Alarm Reporting Telephone

Asset Reliability Technology

Applied Resource Technologies

Available Resource Technology (Mat Bevel Institute)

Aerosol Release and Transport

Ambiguity Reference Tone

Air-Launched Radiation Thermometer

Air Rider Transport Inc. (hovercraft transportation manufacturer)

Aqueous Recycle Technologies

Asymmetric Rear Triangle (mountain bikes)

Airborne Receive Terminal

Aircraft Radar Turbulence

Alvarez Racing Team

Advanced Rotocraft Transmission

Acceptance Review Team

Alternate Resonance Toning

Automated Ranging and Tracking

Arithmetic Relevance Testing

Asphalt Residual Treatment

Army Regional Threats

Automate Rapide Transilien (French)

Attentional Restoration Theory

Active Reference Table

Accredited Report Technician (healthcare)

Access Routing Tool


airfield reference temperature

Auto Reserve Thrust (aviation system)

Aggregate Rate of Taxation