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Search result from: APL
A Programming Language
Applied Physics Laboratory
Advance Payday Loan (consumer finance)
American President Lines
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Approved Products List
Aventis Pharma, Ltd. (India)
Applied Physics Letters
Arranjo Produtivo Local (Portuguese: Local Productive Arrangement)
Applied Physics Lab (Johns Hopkins University)
Amateur Poker League
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Aide Personnalisée Au Logement (French: personalized housing subsidy)
Above Poverty Line (India)
Aurobindo Pharma Limited (pharmaceuticals; various locations)
Anti-Predatory Lending (policy)
Art and Practice of Leadership (various locations)
Anaheim Public Library (Anaheim, CA)
Animal Protective League
Arlington Public Library (various locations)
Advanced Programming Languages (computer science)
Allowance Parts List
Allowance Parts List (IIS)
Australian Poker League (cards)
Anterior Pituitary-Lobe (endocrine system)
Anchorage Public Library (Anchorage, AK)
Automatic Plate Loading
Alamogordo Public Library (New Mexico)
Additional Paternity Leave
Amarillo Public Library (Amarillo, TX)
Alexandria Public Library (Virginia)
Australian Pork Limited
American Paintball League
Array Processing Language
Accredited Prior Learning
Adaptable Program Lending (World Bank)
Anti-Phospholipid (proteins)
Average Picture Level
Animal Planet (cable network channel)
American Poetry and Literacy project
Abiding Presence Lutheran (Beltsville, MD)
Approved Product List
Anti-Personnel Landmines
Architecture and Planning Library (various schools)
Avondale Public Library (Arizona)
Analog Private Line
Automatic Premium Loan (Insurance Term)
Assistant Patrol Leader (Boy Scouts of America)
Accountants Professional Liability (insurance)
Airport Lights
Accreditation for Prior Learning
Acceptable Performance Levels
Animal Production Level (ruminant nutrition)
Alliance of Progressive Labour (Philippines)
Australian Plague Locust (insect)
Average Path Length
Association des Professeurs de Lettres (French: Association of Professors of Letters)
Association of Professional Librarians (various locations)
Armstrong Public Library (Iowa)
Adjustable Pressure Limiting (valve on anesthesia machines)
Amateur Public Link (golf)
Barracks Craft (Non Self-Propelled)
Ambulance Platoon Leader
Autonomous Passive Localization (wireless sensor networks)
Application Programming Language
Approved Project List (various locations)
Approved Parts List
All-Purpose Liquid
Atrichia with Papular Lesions
Alles Parallel Loesbar
Atomic Power Laboratory
Armpit Length (length of hair)
Aqueous Phase Liquid
Airport Pseudolite (communications navigation surveillance)
Arphic Public License
Ashland Public Library (Ashland, OH)
Army Promotion List
Anterior Pituitary-Like
Apple Public License (Darwin/Mac OS X Open-Source Project)
Associated Pathologists Laboratories
Automatic Programming Language
Association de Promotion du Logement (French: Association for the Promotion of Housing; Belgium)
Average Power Laser
Automatic Parts Loader
Adaptive Parametric Linearization
Assembly Parts List
Association des Pompiers de Laval
Application Parts List
Acquisition Policy Letter
Alternative Pollutant Limit(s)
Altoona Parochial League (Pennsylvania))
Applied Psychological Laboratory (India, Defence Institute of Psychological Research)
Army Personnel Letter
Authorized Price List
Availability Provider Locator
Annular Pressure Level (oil industry)
Annular Pressure Losses (oil drilling)
All Plastic Laminate (packaging industry)
Association of Police Lawyers (UK)
Advanced Prototypes Lab for Satellite Payloads (University of California, Santa Cruz program)